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Dove Soap Women Gaming Ad Demands YOU Must Love Fat Ugly Women or Else

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The marketing department of another massive brand has decided to make another questionable ad, so let’s talk.


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37 thoughts on “Dove Soap Women Gaming Ad Demands YOU Must Love Fat Ugly Women or Else”

  1. Thank you for watching, okay I’m done making videos for a day or two I think. I’m tired. This video took a while to upload cause YouTube is currently having some issues, what else is new right?

    Anyway have a great day y’all. Like the video & all that stuff, love ya.

    Instagram: endymionn
    Twitter: EndymionYT

  2. I think they are doing this to increase sales since extra body mass means having to use more of the soap bar and that means more money for them.

  3. I suspect that these marketers don't even have any fat friends or acquaintances. If they did, they'd know that fat people don't care about the culture viewing them as action heroes. If they cared about that, they wouldn't be fat!

  4. Imagine youre so vapid and devoid of real personality that you relate to a cringy corporate advertisement more than men. It's like if that KFC memer "eats chicken like a boss" advert was hailed as cool, flipping pathetic how stuff like this gets accepted and loved. Useful idiots everywhere

  5. Just social media wasn't enough, so now they want to influence people via gaming. One thing I know for sure is that it only works if we (gamers) buy it. They won't just keep on creating woke content if majority of the gamers say 'No Thank You'.

  6. Come on mate, it's clearly just a bit of fun, where's your sense of humour..? Why get so triggered…?

    I mean, did it bother you so much when fighting games featured Sumo Wrestlers like Ganryu in the Tekken series…?

  7. i am 50, have a bad back am disabled where is my GAME i am sure that everyone would want to play a person that cant do crap due to pain ….. fun fun right? Sure to be the next Mass Effect.

  8. I am not an overweight dude, but saying I'm in shape would be trying to bend reality. Yet somehow, for some unexplainable reason, when I play a game I don't want to play as some fat, lazy slob. It's fantasy. It's escapism. I want the protagonist to be fit, buff and ready to go into battle anytime. And if the protagonist is a woman, I want her to be a badass lady that's either easy on the eyes or not hard to look at, without any of that "girl-boss" bs.

    Just imagine a Mass Effect game where Shepard looks like Jack Black (great Bowser) or Lizzo. That would be ridiculous.

  9. I’m actually getting tired of all this “love the body you’re in” nonsense. All it says is “Fuck it! Have another bacon double cheeseburger because society should ignore that you’re a fat mess”. But that’s just me

  10. Obese women are the promoters of the "fat acceptance" movement. They think shaming men and pressuring companies will somehow force people to be attracted to morbidly obese women. Human attraction is rooted in eons of biological development. Markers that indicate female fertility are those that tend to attract men. Obesity is a marker for both the likelihood of sickness and inactivity. Both these things are detrimental to human survival.

  11. This is the new ideology, it's going to spread more across the mainstream games, the best thing to do if you don't like what is going on is to support indie games or create your own video game, it's going to help the indie market by them doing this, I'm not against what they are doing, but it's just going to create more alternatives. I'm working on my own indie game and telling my story, it's still in the early stages, but ever since my dad passed away this year, it's been a number one priority to create this game for him in his honor.

  12. That commercial is funny remind me chicken in the sea commercial Japan,China,u.s.a
    But way I look at this one I have a theory what if she used to be fit from the in the years ago of the game starting out years go by she's starting to lose interest hitting the gym or stricted diet all the money in the fame her deciding living on Rich food wasting on the couch or dining in fast food other unhealthy lifestyle she's like example trading fit lifestyle to wealthy fat cat to wearing special suit hide extra fat to look thin.

    Hey I see it and analyze the character the commercial anyone else comment this theory let me know I will talk to you my theory or you theory about the commercial.

  13. You know what I find amusing? And I am saying this as a person who used to have anorexia, WHILST being slightly overweight himself when I was a teenager:
    You spend a lot of time insinuating that overweight woman or persons should not be heroically represented or cherished because of them being unhealthy.

    But, as far as I am concerned, you probably wouldn't have the issue of female anorexic or underweight representation that seems to provoke unhealthy beauty standards. Let me give you an example: You probably know One Piece, right? Look at how most women, especially Nami (-swan) and Robin-chan are shown. They are both really skinny BUT have huge….how should I write this….Bazooogas that are completly not fitting their body shape. I didn't hear you complain about those now, did you? Having such huge…Bazooongas whilst being that skinny, and they might have legs and a body-fat % that might be seen on a borderline eating disorder level . That is not only unrealistic, but unhealthy as well. Women with huge breasts have back pains. But you still idolize those women. I surely do. So let's get off the back of those people and let them have those heroes. Time will tell if we did the right thing.

  14. Imagine someone made a game about rock climbing. Would they want representation there too? I'm not even that overweight, but there is no way anyone could do those amazing feats with my bodyweight. I need to lose a good 60 lbs before I could even think about trying that sort of sport. I'll just injure myself. I doubt I could even handle soccer. My ankles wouldn't take that.

  15. I hate the "video games makes people violent " arguement. Because before video games it was blamed on rock music, tv, comics, etc. People are always eager to blame something else for their problems. Its almost funny because we've been offing eachother for thousands of years before videogames existed.

  16. First thought i had when i saw that ad was "Cool! Penny from Fortnite: Save the World!
    Wait….wtf ?! FFS! STAHP with the woke BS!!" (sigh)
    If it's THAT horrible for you, that the character you play in a VIDEO GAME, doesn't look like you….well…then you have some serious shit you need to work out with your therapist.
    It's not a game industry problem, it's a YOU problem.

  17. Im sorry but like we have female game characters who are amazing. I grew up with resident evil so Jill, Claire the list goes on. God its silly what the worlds coming too. Im female and i don't care for character gender in games. 😅

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