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Dr. Shefali Discusses New Parenting Methods | Oprah’s Super Soul | OWN Podcasts

Oprah talks to New York Times best-selling author, world-renowned clinical psychologist and frequent Super Soul guest, Dr. Shefali, about her new book, The Parenting Map: Step-by-Step Solutions to Consciously Create the Ultimate Parent-Child Relationship. Dr. Shefali shares a revolutionary new parenting method that she believes will empower children while transforming parents. She explains how parents can disrupt dysfunctional inherited patterns and replace them with authentic connection to honor the essence of their child. She shares how parents unknowingly write scripts and create films for their children that block the capacity for true interaction. Oprah and Dr. Shefali take questions from parents across the country who have read the book and want to become more conscious parents.

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Dr. Shefali Discusses New Parenting Methods | Oprah’s Super Soul | OWN Podcasts

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43 thoughts on “Dr. Shefali Discusses New Parenting Methods | Oprah’s Super Soul | OWN Podcasts”

  1. I remember telling my son that in order to be an effective parent he needs to reflect on his bad habits and not to project on his son. I think the message should be for psrents to be conscious before you can inspire. Parents need to do the work to earn their child's respect and trust. But to say to completely let go and relinquish over the power is putting it quite too simple and a bit dangerous. Although the parents is just part of the village that's raising the child. It's true it all starts with the primary caregiver then the rest of the village at some point starts coming into the mix. In order to understand the complexities of parenting the entire part of the equation needs to be taken into account. Especially with the advent of social media the world has changed. We cannot deny that there is a herd mentality phenomenon that is plaguing our society. Even when you are not controlling them somebody else will. Even in the animal kingdom parents has to protect their child from dangerous situarions. I think the premise is right but the provisions are still a bit flawed. Just my two cents.

  2. Breediot Sadists enjoy seeing other people suffering. The Pro-Suffering Breediot Religiotards are the Most Evil Sadists. NOTHING is more hateful than creating more death via breeding, Especially while 10s of Millions of orphans are Desperately waiting to be adopted for Free.

  3. 24:36 ”We’re trying to do away with pain in our thirst for happiness and what we’re doing is creating greater fragility. Because we don’t have the resilience to tolerate pain. Because we’re wiping away pain. Yeah, nobody wants anybody to have a moment of uncomfortability. And that is why our children are crumbling. Our children feel the pressure of this artificial world like no one else.”


  4. Great interview, appreciate both Oprah and Dr. Shefali deeply, however, with one thing I cannot agree. As a parent, you cannot simply 'let go'. If a one-year-old does not want to have his poopy diaper changed, you dont say; "Well, you can sit in your feces as you please!", if a two-year-old does not want their seat-belt fastened in a car, you dont say; "Well, just hop around the moving vehicle as you wish!", if a three-year-old does not want to leave the playground, you dont say; "Well, just get a taxi home when you are finished playing.", if a four-year-old only wants to eat only sweets and not brush their teeth, you dont say; "Would you like some more chocolate? And how about we throw away your toothbrush, it just takes space in the bathroom and collects dust anyways…". In these situations, you do not let go. You take control and enforce a situation in which the child is safe and healthy. Everything else is neglect.

  5. Dear Oprah, stop saying you aren’t a parent coz you are a wonderful and maybe the only parent for those girls in Africa. A parent ist not just biological process but way more. Parenting ist giving love support and help a human being to be the best version of himself. You are a parent ❤

  6. Hmmm 🤔 I think it’s a balance. There is a place to show authority. There is a place to tell your child to Sit Down without a dialogue. Parents have to know their call TRUE.. but it’s a dance

  7. Just take the child to church the bible says train the child up in the way they should go and they will not depart . Children need values that only comes from being a child of God .

  8. It’s always better to give birth only after parents are spiritually evolved. Very very very few parents are evolved to give birth. That’s why childfree by choice is best. First we have to work on ourselves.

    Too many damages happen if couples give birth before they themselves are evolved. Hence childfree by choice is the best. Only very few is ready to give birth

  9. How do partners deal with their own differences when it comes to parenting? One might be different to the other and that also potentially confuses the kids growing up. As partners we need to be in sync as well?

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