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Energy saving tips for small businesses this Earth Day

Opinions expressed by entrepreneurial contributors are their own.

everyone Small business leader I know worries about taxes, taxes and a million other things. There’s a lot to juggle and prioritize just to keep your doors open, let alone open scale. It may seem overwhelming to add energy efficiency to your plate, but the early days of your small company are the ideal time to begin integration. Durability In your business model.

Who once a A break from corporate America And having run my own small business, I know firsthand that it is possible to be environmentally responsible while still having a lot of room for growth.

Implementing these recommendations can build a foundation for when you’re the one who turns off the lights at the end of the day Environmental awareness You can rely on future generations.

1. Making greener choices

is the largest source of Greenhouse gas emissions is transported on 27%. This includes your company cars, trucks and other vehicles. So one of the most impactful things you can do for the environment is to switch Electric Vehicles (EVs) wherever possible. Although you may pay more upfront for an EV, you likely Save over the long haul Both in fuel and maintenance costs. If you do a lot of long-haul travel, look for airlines with carbon-neutral flights to make your air travel more sustainable.

Next, check where you are spending energy. Take the light bulb. you are using Low energy bulbs, or are you just going to your local club warehouse and getting the cheapest bulbs on the shelves? As with EVs, the upfront costs seem low. But when you do the math, products with higher initial sticker prices — like low-energy light bulbs — are often the best long-term money savers.

Evaluate yourself Energy provider, too. Just because a company provides energy doesn’t mean it’s an energy-friendly business — both coal and solar can provide power, but solar Cleaner And cheap.

Also note your furniture and other office supplies. An office chair or sofa can be very difficult to produce Recycle than others. As you shuffle, let everything in the office announce your environmental values ​​for you. Your water fountain shows how many gallons of water are saved. Your coffee can be sourced responsibly. Your paper can be recycled. You don’t sacrifice anything in terms of efficiency, but the fact that you use a different approach to even the smallest things makes a statement for every employee and guest.

Related: 3 Ways Going Green Can Increase Revenue and Employee Happiness

2. Getting employees on board

Most people respond more to positive reinforcement than to negative reinforcement. So give your employees as many environmental incentives as possible. At Merchants Fleet, we offer $2,500 to workers who purchase EVs, with additional reimbursement for chargers.

Can’t spend $2,500+ per incentive? Just find one that fits your budget and environmental goals. In addition to the EV option, we donate $10 in each employee’s name to a tree-planting charity in Kenya. Employees can see where their trees have been planted via video.

We also support environmental activities and on-site clubs, such as our composting group. To keep these types of activities going, see if you can spring for their supplies or set aside time during the workday for them to participate. It is also free for people to volunteer in the community. Options are everywhere.

The most important thing is to have an open conversation about environmental responsibility and what you can do. Suppose you go into a meeting and tell your staff that you’ve read a great article about a company that’s doing great things for the environment, and you’d like to implement some of the tactics from the article, such as evaluating the office. Team members can do the tasks they feel comfortable with, and at the end of the meeting, everyone leaves feeling empowered and as if environmental goals are one step closer to becoming a reality.

The more you make Environmental consciousness Make good habits around it a part of your daily operations, and more people will get behind environmental responsibility as part of your culture.

Related: Three letters that will make your company more successful and sustainable

3. Partners for a cause

As the saying goes, you become the company you keep. So if you want a strong reputation as a company that does the right thing by the environment, make sure the people around you don’t guilt you by association. By the same token, there are companies that may be large and established enough to be a bit more public with their stance. If you align with them, you get out of their brand equity. Chances are, you have several business partners, such as your legal or PR firm or certain suppliers. Ask yourself if they are environmentally aligned with where you are going as a company. Do they share the same ESG values ​​that you do?

You can also build your environmental reputation by going local where you can. Local products and services No need to transport, which means a smaller carbon footprint as well as cost savings for your business. An easy place to start is with food. If you have a company lunch, cater from a family-owned store in your neighborhood rather than a big-name national chain. Having you as a client can make a big difference in their ability to stay afloat and get you the service you need in a greener way.

Related: 5 tips for creatively going green with your business

If you want to grow responsibly, plant a seed

Being a green company doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive or reserved for large businesses. As long as you are willing to plant the seeds for your employees, you can build environmental practices into your organization from day one. Part of your role as a leader is to inspire everyone around you to not only do their job but to become part of the fabric of the company. Once you open the conversation and set the example, let them take that environmental seed and water it.


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