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English Teacher Grades Homework By ChatGPT | WIRED

Andrew Marzoni, a high school English teacher, grades homework created by the artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT. Andrew …

42 thoughts on “English Teacher Grades Homework By ChatGPT | WIRED”

  1. Wow, this guy is kind of a jerk. I mean, maybe it's bias because he knows it's an AI, but his attitude on the Othello summary is ridiculous. Wow, a student knew the ending of a well-known classic, penned by literally the most famous playwright to ever live? They must be cheating! What a joke.

  2. But if he knew it was a boy doing it wouldn’t it have an impact on his usual way of grading? Should’ve just told him to grade papers and tel him at the end it was a bot doing it lol or add in real written papers with the bot papers

  3. The video highlights the intersection of technology and education, showcasing how advanced AI language models like ChatGPT have become. As a society, we are constantly adapting to advancements in technology, and it is fascinating to see how AI is being integrated into education.

    I think it's interesting to see an English teacher grading the homework of an AI writing bot like ChatGPT. It shows how technology is advancing and how AI is becoming more advanced in its abilities. It's also interesting to see the different levels of complexity that were assigned to ChatGPT and how it performed on each one. As an English teacher, it's important to consider plagiarism and academic honesty, and I think it's good to see that being taken seriously in this video. Overall, it's a fun and educational video to watch.

  4. love that the taco bell one truly touched him so much he had to give it an A. like thats where he really came to terms that chatGPT is pretty good. lol.

  5. Upon a hill, a morning bird doth sing,
    With joy of light, and colors bright and bold.
    A stirring song of dawn, its chorus brings,
    In lofty flight, a truth it will unfold.

    A bright orb of gold starts its climb so high,
    And casts away all hints of dark and gloom.
    In day's soft birth, all shadows comply,
    As sunlight fills our world, it doth bloom.

    Thus, in bright light, our souls find calm, find charm,
    A tranquil joy, a balm for night's dismay.
    Day's touch is soft, a loving, soothing arm,
    As night doth fall, and stars show full array.

    So, on this day, hold tight to light's grand gifts,
    For in bright hours, our spirit truly lifts.

    (Written by ChatGPT)

  6. Do you think there is a way to ethically use chat GPT to improve your writing? For example, writing a paper and then asking the program to use more sphisticated language?

  7. Thank god I didn't have such a strict English teacher I would've failed if I had a teacher like him, also y'all don't have to worry about ai chatbots causing literature to die or whatever you would prefer to call it as because all these ai bots just use information available on the internet and mash it up and give an answer like this

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