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“Escape the Ivory Tower: Here’s How to Make the Switch to Lucrative Management Consulting!”

How to Transition from International Development to Management Consulting: Tips and Tricks from Jonathan Black

The field of international development is often highly demanding, both physically and emotionally. Many individuals who work in the industry eventually reach a point where they feel that they need to make a change in their career path. If you are considering a move from international development to management consulting, you may be wondering where to start. Fortunately, with the right strategy, you can successfully make the transition. Jonathan Black, Director of the Careers Service at the University of Oxford, provides some helpful tips and advice on how to prepare to make the switch.

Why Management Consulting is a Good Fit for Former International Development Workers

Management consulting is a popular career destination for many former international development workers for several reasons:

1. Transferable Skills: Many of the skills that are developed in the course of working in international development are transferable to a career in management consulting. These skills include project management, research, and analytical skills rooted in anthropology.

2. Prestige: Management consulting is a highly respected field. Consulting firms are well-known for their rigorous recruitment processes, which can take years to complete.

3. Financial Stability: The salaries and bonuses offered by consulting firms are often significantly higher than those offered in international development.

4. Career Growth Opportunities: Consulting firms offer clear paths for career growth and advancement, which can be challenging to find in the international development field.

Preparing for the Transition

If you are considering making a move from international development to management consulting, there are several steps that you can take to prepare for the transition:

1. Research Consulting Firms: Spend time researching consulting firms to determine which firms are most aligned with your interests and values. Focus on the consulting firms with a strong practice in international development or similar areas.

2. Network: Use your existing connections to reach out to professionals in the field of management consulting. Attend industry-related conferences, join relevant LinkedIn groups and professional organizations, and find opportunities to connect with individuals who have made a similar transition.

3. Learn the Business Language: Management consulting has its own set of jargon and business language. Take time to learn the key terms and concepts in order to be able to speak confidently about the field.

4. Sharpen Your Analytical Skills: Management consulting requires strong analytical skills. Consider taking additional courses in data analysis to build on your existing skillset.

5. Gain Additional Industry-Specific Experience: Some consulting firms may require industry-specific experience for certain roles. Consider taking on relevant projects through consulting internships or pro-bono consulting work to build up your industry-specific experience.

Additional Piece:

One key aspect of transitioning to management consulting is having access to the right tools and resources to succeed in the field. This includes training and mentorship programs, as well as ongoing professional development opportunities. Consulting firms are often known for their commitment to employee development, including formal training programs, mentoring, and coaching.

Exposure to a wide range of industries and business challenges is also an essential aspect of developing as a consultant. This exposure can come from working on clients in various industries, attending conferences and seminars, and participating in internal knowledge-sharing sessions.

Another way to gain exposure to the consulting field and build your expertise is by contributing to relevant publications or blogs. Writing for industry publications or starting a blog can help establish your industry expertise and provide invaluable networking opportunities.

Furthermore, there are other ways to develop the skills necessary for success in management consulting, such as gaining experience with relevant software and technology. Many consulting firms use software tools that are designed to aid in project management, data analysis, and communication. Gaining experience with tools such as Salesforce, Tableau, and Power BI can give you a leg up in the job market.

With the right mindset, skills, and resources, making the transition from international development to management consulting can be a highly rewarding and fulfilling experience.


If you are considering a move from international development to management consulting, it’s important to do your research and prepare accordingly. Start by researching consulting firms, networking, learning the business language, sharpening your analytical skills, and gaining additional industry-specific experience. Once you’ve landed a job in management consulting, seek out opportunities for professional development, build your expertise by contributing to relevant publications or blogs, and gain experience with relevant software and technology. With the proper preparation and mindset, you can make a successful transition from international development to management consulting.


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I am a senior academic (not quite a professor) working in international development. I’d like to leave the industry—I’m exhausted by it—and go into management consulting. I worked in NGOs before the academy but I don’t want to go back to this. I have experience in project management and evaluation, as well as research and analytical skills rooted in anthropology. How do I prepare to make the switch? Anonymous

Jonathan’s response will be posted on Monday, June 12.

Jonathan Black is Director of the Careers Service at the University of Oxford. Every fortnight he answers your questions about personal and professional development and working life. Do you have any questions for him? Email: