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EU lawmakers push to water down methane emission standards

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Good morning. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is in Kiev today to meet President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, as Ukraine joins the bloc to celebrate Europe Day.

Today, our correspondents covering the European Parliament anticipate a crucial vote on methane emissions in Strasbourg. And our Milan correspondent explains why Italy thinks its food sector is under attack.

Losing away

Methane is one of most harmful greenhouse gasesbut the regulation of its emissions has once again opened a heated debate on the practical aspects of the new climate laws, write Alice Hancock AND Ian Johnston.

Context: Brussels has proposed rules to reduce methane emissions in the energy sector. They should forcing fossil fuel producers to monitor and prevent leaksfor example from mines, in order to align the EU with the global commitment to reduce methane pollution by 30% by 2030 and fight global warming.

The European parliament is set to vote on the law today, but a series of last-minute amendments by centre-right Romanian MEP Cristian-Silviu Buşoi have raised concerns that parliament will ease provisions to give companies an easier passage.

In an email to fellow lawmakers seen by the Financial Times, Buşoi said the amendments were “the result of a broad consideration of the circumstances faced by operators and member states”.

His proposals would allow exemptions for methane emissions to water and reduce the number of investigations to detect leaks. He would also introduce what Buşoi called “a feasible time frame” for countries that have many disused wells, which could continue to emit methane for many years after they stop being used.

The move is part of a enlargement trend among politicians TO show more flexibility towards the industry as the implications of the climate transition begin to be felt.

There were more than 880 sources of methane leaks in 15 EU countries, according to data from the NGO Clean Air Task Force released yesterday, “with Romania illustrating a significant problem”.

In an open letter to MEPs, representatives of nine NGOs said Buşoi’s amendments would “severely undermine” methane regulation and exempt “a significant number of large companies”. Methane is 80 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, NGOs have warned.

The European People’s Party, that of the EU largest parliamentary group, instructed his MEPs to vote in favor of at least some of the controversial amendments. This includes more relaxed surveillance of methane leaks and looser requirements for fossil fuel imports into the bloc.

This means that some provisions could be passed to water down the rules. Certainly, the vote will be much tighter than expected, with some last-minute shuffling as EU MPs register their numbers.

Chart of the Day: Burnt

Burdened by Covid-19 and demographic change, the European healthcare sector faces a chronic shortage of workers. The pressure is building hospitals are dealing with a large backlog of care after the pandemic.

Food fight

Italy is stepping up its crusade against EU sustainable agriculture rules and lab-grown foods in a bid to promote its signature cuisine, writes Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli.

Context: Italy’s right-wing government is waging a war to protect its food sector. Rome has lashed out at the EU Commission for not opposing the plans in Ireland put health warnings on alcoholic beverages, including Italian wine. And Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni proposed banning lab-grown meat.

The minister of agriculture and food sovereignty, Francesco Lollobrigida, participated yesterday in Milan in the conference entitled “Italian food under attack” in a demonstration in support of the agricultural trade body Coldiretti.

Coldiretti has warned that the Italian food industry is seriously threatened by “health terrorism and climate extremism”.

The powerful farmers’ organization has been a strong opponent of some EU legislative proposals aimed at reducing carbon emissions and making agriculture more sustainable. He says they will ultimately harm their industry and “Italian food excellence”.

Lollobrigida tweeted after the conference: “Mammoth meatballs, lab-grown foods, 3D printed fish, milk without cows. This will make big multinationals profit and destroy our civilization”.

The minister, a senior member of the ruling Brothers of Italy party, said cultured meat products were “slime” in an interview with Reuters.

He also rejected the notion that production of slaughter-free meat based on lab-grown cells was more sustainable. “We reject the idea of ​​standardizing products. . . our culture is tied to the land,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Italian food sector does not appear to be suffering much: Italian food exports increased by 15% in 2022 to 60.7 billion euros, mainly driven by wine, pasta, fruit and vegetables.

What to watch today

  1. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks to the European Parliament.

  2. The president of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen travels to Kiev for Europe Day.

Now read these

Great Britain after Brexit — Keep abreast of the latest developments as the UK economy adjusts to life outside the EU. Registration Here

Trade secrets — A must-read on the changing face of international trade and globalization. Registration Here

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