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EVERY parents needs this reminder. 😭 #parenting


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34 thoughts on “EVERY parents needs this reminder. 😭 #parenting”

  1. I was my children's biggest toy. I loved it. then they grow up and I'm put on the shelf. enjoy your babies while you still can. once they grow these precious moments will be but a memory.

  2. All it takes is a second for someone to grab that beautiful little girl while you’re on that phone not paying attention. You gonna take your child out leave your phone at home.

  3. I feel alot of children are blatantly being neglected because of the all mighty cell phone. Cannot tell you how many times I've witnessed this happening. I wish I could holler out loud to the parents and tell them what they are missing out on. But … I'm afraid to voice an opinion . But it does hurt.

  4. Exactly right!!!! I’ve seen this far too many times. I never had any children but seen many parents on their phones in the park while their child plays. Even if they have a baby in a stroller. Enjoy the moment with your child/children as they will grow up too fast and also the bond you have with them will be much stronger. ❤

  5. My dad tells me I’m on my phone too much, yet I don’t remember a single time he ever stopped to play with me and didn’t immediately ditch to go do whatever.

  6. Man I know one chick who needs this reminder BADLY. All she does is scroll on her phone endlessly while her kids try to get her attention and go nuts and destroy the house. Girl doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean, doesn’t parent, and all she does is talk about how poor her mental health is yet does nothing to try to help herself like idk get on some depressants or get some damn therapy🤦‍♀️

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