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EXCLUSIVE: Boris Johnson’s UNEDITED WhatsApp messages to be REVEALED to Covid Inquiry!

Title: Boris Johnson to hand over unedited WhatsApp messages to Covid inquiry

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has agreed to hand over unedited WhatsApp messages shared with the Cabinet Office to the Covid-19 inquiry in a move seen as a jab at Rishi Sunak, who had said he would take legal action against the investigation to stop the release of what he considers “unambiguously” irrelevant material. Johnson also indicated in a letter to Baroness Heather Hallett, chair of the inquiry, that he would like to hand over other “relevant” material, including correspondence from his old mobile phone. However, Johnson has not so far delivered all his records. Johnson had bought a new phone after a serious security breach was discovered on his old device in April 2021, more than a year after Covid hit Britain.

The Covid inquiry has not yet released a formal response to Johnson’s letter, while Michael Gove has denied reports that he is seeking to delay the inquiry. As opposition parties suggest that the prime minister might have something to hide, Johnson’s allies maintain that he wants to “keep his options open” for a possible return as leader of the Conservative Party, though few Tory MPs believe such a prospect is likely before an election next year. If Sunak loses the election and the Conservatives find themselves embroiled in another leadership contest, Johnson’s name is likely to emerge as a potential candidate.

## Why Sunak is taking legal action against the Covid inquiry

Sunak, who was chancellor during the pandemic and was sceptical of the lockdowns, has supported the controversial Eat Out to Help Out programme. The reasons for his legal action against the Covid inquiry have been variously suggested to relate to fears that Hallett will, at a later stage, ask him to hand over his own messages, along with those of other sitting ministers, and of a desire to protect the privacy of ministers and officials. However, Science Minister George Freeman has argued that the courts are likely to find that Hallett has “perfectly the right and the power to decide what he wants”.

## The controversy continues to dog Boris Johnson

Last month, the Cabinet Office referred Johnson to the police over further potential breaches of coronavirus restrictions during his time at Number 10, a charge that Johnson denies and that his allies say is an attempt to vilify him. Relations between the prime minister and Sunak have been reported to be icy. Meanwhile, former Downing Street chief of staff Lord Gavin Barwell has argued that the government is “making a grave mistake” on the matter.

## Summary

Following Rishi Sunak’s decision to take legal action against the Covid-19 inquiry, Boris Johnson has agreed to hand over his unedited WhatsApp messages that were shared with the Cabinet Office. Johnson has also indicated a willingness to supply other “relevant” material, including correspondence from his old mobile phone. However, it has emerged that he has not yet delivered all his records. As opposition parties suggest that the prime minister might have something to hide and Johnson’s supporters say that he wants to keep his options open for a possible return as leader of the Conservative party, Sunak’s reasons for taking legal action against the inquiry have been variously suggested, with Science Minister George Freeman arguing that the courts are likely to find that the inquiry’s chair, Baroness Heather Hallett, has “perfectly the right and the power to decide what he wants”. Last month, Johnson was referred to the police by the Cabinet Office over potential breaches of coronavirus restrictions during his time at Number 10.

## Additional piece

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect nations across the world, the need for transparency and accountability in government decision-making has become even more urgent. In the UK, the Covid inquiry is seeking to examine the actions of the government during the pandemic, with a particular focus on its handling of issues such as the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE), the impact of lockdowns on the economy, and the rollout of vaccinations.

The decision of Boris Johnson to hand over his unedited WhatsApp messages shared with the Cabinet Office indicates a willingness to cooperate with the inquiry’s search for the truth. However, the legal action taken by Rishi Sunak against the inquiry has raised concerns about the government’s commitment to transparency. While it is understandable that ministers and officials may have concerns about the privacy of their messages, it is also important to ensure that the inquiry can access all relevant material to make a fair and accurate assessment of the government’s handling of the pandemic.

Moreover, the ongoing controversy surrounding Boris Johnson and his potential return as leader of the Conservative Party highlights the need for a clear and open process for leadership transitions. While Johnson’s supporters argue that he should be allowed to keep his options open, it is important for the party to ensure that there is a fair and democratic selection process that enables the best candidate to come forward.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact all aspects of society, it has become clear that transparency and accountability in government are more important than ever. By working to ensure that inquiries such as the Covid inquiry have access to all relevant material, and by promoting fair and democratic processes for leadership transitions, we can help to build a stronger and more resilient society for the future.


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Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he would hand over to the Covid-19 inquiry on Friday his unedited WhatsApp messages shared with the Cabinet Office, in a jab at Rishi Sunak.

Johnson added in a letter to the chair of the inquiry, Baroness Heather Hallett, that he would like to hand over other “relevant” material, including correspondence from his old mobile phone, if he can access it.

The decision to bypass the cabinet office will serve as a major blow Sunakwho said Thursday he would take legal action, on privacy grounds, against the investigation to stop the unredacted release of what he considers “unambiguously” irrelevant material.

The material in question refers to WhatsApp messages sent by Johnson while he was prime minister during the Covid pandemic; Hallett argued that he should decide whether the material is relevant or not.

Johnson said in his letter that he was more than willing to help. “You have rightly decided to leave no stone unturned in your search for the truth about government decision-making during the pandemic,” he wrote.

However, Johnson has not delivered all of his records so far. It emerged on Thursday that Johnson had only delivered WhatsApp messages for the period after May 2021, at which time the former premier announced the Covid investigation.

The Cabinet Office said Johnson had bought a new phone after a serious security breach on his old device was discovered in April 2021, more than a year after Covid hit Britain.

Johnson’s allies say the former prime minister will deliver “relevant” old messages if the phone can be reactivated safely.

Johnson also said in his letter that he would deliver “about 40” WhatsApp conversations dating back to May 2021 directly to Hallett, which he had previously delivered to the Cabinet Office.

Government insiders stressed it was unclear whether those 40 or so messages represented a complete record of all material sought by the Hallett inquiry.

Johnson said in his letter that he understood the government’s decision to take legal action against the inquiry, but said he was “unwilling” to allow his material “to become a test case for others”.

While Johnson said he no longer had physical access to his notebooks as they were removed by the cabinet office, he said he had asked the department to pass them on to the inquiry as well.

“If the government chooses not to, I will request these be returned to my office so I can provide them directly to you,” he added.

The Covid inquiry has not released a formal response to Johnson’s letter.

Sunak’s reluctance to hand over all of Hallett’s requested material has allowed opposition parties to suggest that the premier has something to hide.

While serving as chancellor during the pandemic, Sunak was skeptical of the lockdowns, warning of the economic damage they would cause. He has also supported the controversial Eat Out to Help Out program.

Labor say Sunak is trying to stop the release of Johnson’s WhatsApp messages because the prime minister fears Hallett will – at a later stage – ask him to hand over his own messages, along with those of other sitting ministers.

Meanwhile, a government minister has admitted that Sunak’s lawsuit is in danger of failing.

Science minister George Freeman told the BBC that “the courts will probably find” that Hallett had “perfectly the right and the power to decide what he wants”.

Freeman, speaking to the BBC Question Time Thursday evening, he disagreed with suggestions that the legal move was a “cynical waste of time”, adding that it would clarify the need to protect the privacy of ministers and officials.

But he added: ‘I have absolutely very little doubt that the courts will feel that Baroness Hallett will decide what evidence she deems relevant, and then we will move forward.’

Former Downing Street chief of staff Lord Gavin Barwell on Friday argued the government was “making a grave mistake” on the matter, telling the BBC: “It’s important to get to the truth.”

As a further reminder of the controversy that continues to dogged Johnson, the Cabinet Office last month referred the former prime minister to the police over further potential breaches of coronavirus restrictions during his time at Number 10.

Johnson vehemently denies that any rules have been broken and his allies have suggested there is an attempt to vilify him. Relations between the former prime minister and Sunak are icy.

Johnson’s supporters say he wants to “keep his options open” for a possible return as leader of the Conservative Party, although very few Tory MPs think there is such a prospect before an election next year.

However, if Sunak loses the election and the Conservatives find themselves embroiled in another leadership contest, Johnson’s name is likely to emerge as a potential candidate.