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EXCLUSIVE: How legendary golfer Nick Faldo played a ‘fun’ role in Michael Schumacher’s F1 testing debut

“I went out on track, did a lap thinking, ‘What the hell is this?’, then I got to the straightaway and I’ll never forget thinking, ‘Okay, I’ll give it a go,’” Faldo laughs once again. “I’m only in third place.” [gear]So I squeeze it and the only way I can describe it is that it shoots out like a catapult.

“It didn’t accelerate like a car, it just went… bouncingand he was gone. That’s what’s scary, the moment when they pick him up, it’s ridiculous. It’s probably even scarier now.

EXCLUSIVE: Watch ‘Michael Schumacher: The Making of a Legend’ on F1 TV

“It’s very bumpy anyway, and if you hold the steering wheel lightly, you let it go over the bumps, and if you hold it tight, because you’re scared… the thing is like it moves.

“I literally held my breath, I squeezed it. Suddenly you’re going 120 mph or something, but it was more the wobble that scared me.

“Then I exhaled through the visor and completely fogged it up. Like an idiot, I put my thumb under the visor, pulled it out a few inches, and sure enough, the air went all over my body! I kept going and was getting a little better.