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“EXCLUSIVE: Myleene Klass slams women’s minister for snubbing her – You won’t believe what she said!”

Title: Myleene Klass’ Twitter Rant Against Women’s Minister Maria Caulfield 

Myleene Klass, a well-known journalist, musician, and television personality, has recently taken to Twitter to express her anger towards women’s minister Maria Caulfield’s alleged dismissal of her concerns about maternity services. Klass has accused Caulfield of ignoring her and other women who have spoken out about the lack of support and care in the United Kingdom’s maternity services.  

The Twitter Rant

In a series of angry tweets, Klass accused Caulfield of inaction and failing to address the problems plaguing maternity services in the country. Klass’ tweets read as a scathing rebuke of Caulfield’s alleged negligence towards the concerns of women. Klass wrote, “Sorry, ladies of the UK. We have just been told we are not a priority right now.” 

Klass had recently written an op-ed in the Daily Mail sharing her own traumatic birthing experience, which led to her call for better maternal care in the UK. Her tweets were in response to Caulfield allegedly ignoring her and other women’s concerns and not taking any measures towards improving the state of maternal care in the UK.  

Caulfield’s Response 

After the explosive tweets went viral, Maria Caulfield responded to the allegations leveled against her by Klass. Caulfield issued a statement, saying, “It is simply untrue to suggest that the Department of Health and Social Care is not taking maternity care seriously, or that we are not aware of how important it is to provide safe and high-quality care for both women and their babies.” 

She went on to say that the government is actively working towards improving maternal care and that the department is open to engaging with individuals and groups to address the issues of the sector. Caulfield also invited Klass to attend a meeting with her to discuss her concerns about the state of maternal care in the UK. 

Maternal Care in the UK 

Maternal care in the UK has been a challenging issue for some time now. A recent report by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists noted that the UK’s maternal mortality rates have been on the rise despite its ranking as one of the wealthiest countries globally. The report attributes pre-existing health conditions, social and economic disparities, and communication problems as some of the factors behind the country’s poor maternal outcomes. 

Other statistics paint a dire picture of the state of maternal care in the UK. Data from the National Health Service (NHS) found that between 2015-2017, 9,000 babies lost their lives before, during, or shortly after delivery. A separate study by the Birth Trauma Association found that one-third of women who have given birth in the UK experience some form of trauma during labor and delivery. 

The Way Forward

Maternal care in the UK is a complex issue that requires multifaceted solutions and a collaborative approach from all stakeholders involved. While the government’s efforts towards improving maternal care are commendable, more needs to be done to address the systemic issues plaguing the sector.  

Individuals and groups like Klass, who speak up and advocate for better maternal care, play a crucial role in effecting change. The government must prioritize the concerns of these individuals and ensure that they are actively engaged in decision-making processes that will impact their lives directly.  


Myleene Klass’ Twitter rant against women’s minister Maria Caulfield sheds light on the state of maternal care in the UK and the challenges facing women who require these crucial services. While the government’s commitment to improving maternal outcomes is commendable, more needs to be done to address the systemic issues causing the country’s poor maternal outcomes. 


Myleene Klass took to Twitter to accuse women’s minister Maria Caulfield of ignoring her and other women’s concerns about the state of maternal care in the UK. Caulfield responded by inviting Klass to discuss her concerns, stating that the government is actively working towards improving maternal care outcomes. However, a recent report by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists highlights the challenges facing maternal care in the UK, including rising mortality rates and communication problems. While the government must prioritize efforts towards improving maternal outcomes, advocates like Klass are crucial in effecting change and ensuring that women’s concerns are actively addressed and engaged in decision-making processes.


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Myleene Klass sends angry tweets to women’s minister Maria Caulfield for ‘ignoring’ her  daily mail
