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EXCLUSIVE! Ross Brawn says F1 could run without fans | Sky F1 Vodcast

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35 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE! Ross Brawn says F1 could run without fans | Sky F1 Vodcast”

  1. Most f1 teams are based in the uk, bring the foreign teams to the uk via an appropriate isolation procedure, then de rate the cars so the Grand Prix can be run at donning ton, thruxton combe hill and all the other minor circuits, the U.K. Fans may also be able to attend too.

  2. Last time someone besides the top three won: March 2013 – Kimi with Lotus Renault

    Yes, this is not sustainable. Time to change the formula. Separate the race teams from the manufacturing arms of the non customer teams so the racing team budgets are the same at least.

  3. the unity within F1 is great, I remember seeing force India team members running to get Williams team members away from the fire in the garage back in Spain, and then other teams lending Williams their team radio spares for the next race

  4. Could run w/o fans – seems to me that it already is. I've been to over 100 G.P's since 1964 and can hardly bear to watch these overly bloated sewing machine, pushbutton controlled monstrosities.

  5. I get Brawn points but i doubt they will make exceptions to f1. Olympics which were supposed to be held in august/september have been cancelled. Euro 20 was pushed to 2021 summer for same reasons. Even if we only have european races i dont see how this can work out. Italy/Spain/UK/France are leading the stats for covid infected. Are they going to held these races in Finland and Sweden midoctober when snow might be out. I dont think so.

  6. Italy/Spain/UK/France are leading the stats for covid infected. Are they going to held these races in Finland and Sweden midoctober when snow might be out. I dont think so.

  7. Regarding escalating costs, how is expenditure controlled? Is there a special auditor that scrutinises the expenditures of teams?

    I fail to see how it can be controlled. Someone please explain.

  8. I used to watch F1 but since it went to pay per view it lost all its appeal. It was something you could gouch out to on a Sunday rather than watch Eastenders. Became too elite and long winded.

  9. Just give the 2020 F1 Championship title to Hamilton and Mercedes after all it’s not as if they were not going to win again seeing they have the money and best cars and drivers and let’s wait until all this is over before worrying about when we are going to put the lights out and start racing again.

    People in their thousands around the world are dying of the deadly disease and you all talking about when you can start the 2020 season….

    Nothing and I mean nothing is going to start again in most sports (behind closed doors or not) in most countries in Europe or around the world until the issues with Covid-19 are resolved and countries lift the travel bans that are in place

    Let all think about staying safe and protecting all the medical staff and carers in every country rather than worrying about when such time we can race again in F1. #staysafe #stayhome #ProtectTheNHS

  10. THe problem is how do you fly if there is a lockdown! also the Covid 19 is a scam if we the people dont do something against the governments of the world we the people will be in real trouble! We all need to grow some balls and do something like protest against bullshit! this virus has not even been isloated but yet bill gates wants to vaccinate the world! this guy is a computer dude what is he doing vaccinating people! i wouldnt put it past him putting nano chips in the vaccines that would somehow work with 5G!!!! we want gates and co tried for crimes against humanity!!!

  11. That's what they should have done having spent all the money and absorbed all the RISKS of turning up to Australia, that was a management abortion … what was the FIA and Liberty media THINKING!…the best times of F1 are unfortunately already over…

  12. What is the real pride in winning F1 knowing you didn't do it on a level playing field, Let Merc.Ferrari Redbull walk it does not matter, then we will have a real formula challenge.and a championship that is not all show..!! watching one team win 4 or 5 seasons in a row is absolutely boring…. F1 is not a successful sport, it is a successful Financial venture.

  13. So proud of how the f1 family have come together to help with manufacturing medical equipment and supplies. Thank you to every single of you. 🤗🥰🤗

  14. Ross Brown solution for making F1 popular. 1.Regulate to stop any and all all innovation. 2.Punish all winners with reverse grid. 3. Create a regulation to make sure the best driver doesn’t win 4. Start a system of voting for FIA to vote who should be the world champion 5. Make sure there is a regulation ensures there is different champion each year.

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