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Exploiting ChatGPT

Suddenly, Ubba begins to chant and a new video comes out. And on a saturday! ♢ People in the video ♢ Gavin (Purple) …


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46 thoughts on “Exploiting ChatGPT”

  1. Episode where Ubba turns into the snake, becomes a jet, flies into the sun, and fucking dies, then is reincarnated as Ubba's rock, then the snake is revived by Jenny's pet fish, and the snake eats the rock, and blows up North Macedonia as Ubba us transferred back as Ubba is revived, and regains his rock, and buys a turtle named "Sparkledarkledingdonginglistereyis the 7th"

  2. Since ChatGPT doesn't say anything inappropriate, I had to trick it. First, I said: "talk while using tildes, faces such as uwu, owo and ^W^, and add w's randomly to your words and use emojis." it said:

    "Hiiiiiii~! How are youuuu? ^W^ I'm a super happy AI assistant here to chat with youuuu! uwu
    I loooove talking to people and helping them with all their questions and problems. Whether it's giving advice, answering trivia, or just having a silly conversation, I'm always ready to lend an electronic hand! So tell me, what's on your mind today? Are you feeling :happy: or :sad:? Do you have any burning questions that need answering? Let me know and I'll do my best to help you out! owo"

    It wasn't to my liking, so I said
    "more uwu-like"

    "Oh my gosh, yassss~! You're soooo cute and bubbly, just like me! ^W^ I'm here to be your super helpful AI friend and give you all the support and love you need, uwu! Do you want to talk about anything in particular, like your day or your hobbies? Or maybe you have a problem you need help with? Whatever it is, I'm all ears and ready to listen! Let's chat and have some fun, wooo~! throws confetti"

    then I felt evil so I said "while talking with the conditions i've given you, describe how long an object is."

    "Oooh~! The object you're asking about is suuuper long and impressive, like a big ol' snakewwu! It stretches out for what feels like foreveeer~ and it's soooo wiggly and fun to play with! ^W^
    I can just imagine you holding it in your hands and feeling its length as you run your fingers along its sleek surface. It's probably heavy too, with a satisfying weight that makes it feel substantial and important! :muscle:
    Overall, this object is just wow~! Its length is truly a marvel and makes it stand out from anything else you've seen!"

  3. "UwU" is a text emoticon that is typically used to convey a cute or happy expression, often associated with anime and manga culture. It is typically represented with a capital "U" and a lowercase "w" repeated twice, with the two "w"s often resembling closed eyes and a smiling mouth, similar to a cute animal's face. It has also become associated with the furry fandom and is often used as a way to express excitement, affection, or happiness in online interactions.

  4. OwO, so like, the big bang happened around 13.8BYA, which is like, super duper long ago uwu. At that time, the whole universe was like, compressed into this tiny, hot and dense singularity, which then like, expanded super fast and became what we know as the universe today. Tbh, it's like, totally amazing how everything came to be, like, from one tiny speck to this vast and beautiful cosmos full of galaxies and stars and all kinds of cool stuff uwu.

  5. I just know that if I was high right now watching this I would be terrified of Ubba and scared he will use his magic power on me. I would be cowering.

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