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Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen.

Warning: Since this video seems to have gone crazy, I figure I’ll post this notice. I’m going to read a letter my 15 year old daughter wrote. There ARE some curse words in it. None of them are incredibly bad, but they are definitely things a little kid shouldn’t hear… not to mention things MY KID shouldn’t say!
If you want to see the original Facebook thread, it’s located at:


My daughter thought it would be funny/rebellious/cool to post on her Facebook wall just how upset she was and how unfair her life here is; how we work her too hard with chores, never pay her for chores, and just in general make her life difficult.

She chose to share this with the entire world on Facebook and block her parent’s from seeing it. Well, umm… she failed. As of the end of this video, she won’t have to worry anymore about posting inappropriate things on Facebook…

Maybe a few kids can take something away from this… If you’re so disrespectful to your parents and yourself as to post this kind of thing on Facebook, you’re deserving of some tough love. Today, my daughter is getting a dose of tough love.

© Copyright 2012, by Tommy Jordan. All rights reserved. Duplication without express permission of the author is prohibited.

47 thoughts on “Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen.”

  1. im 12 and i might not know much but this makes sense to me about doing productive things to help around the house and its odd to see someone that is older than me not able to do a thing when i do lots of chores even when they are so small and simple like dishes lol


  3. This dad half of what he says doesn't make sense and its why i believe everything that this girl said i understand respect your elders but they are pushing it i hope the moment she got 19 or 20 they never heard from her again ungrateful parents

  4. Revisiting this video, I realize how fucked up this man’s daughter was. I see the frustration, but there is no need to create a Facebook post! Regarding my comment that I made on this video two years ago, this dad did get a bit far, but it definitely was warranted. Hannah took it extremely far. She took it way too far!

  5. If you're this immature (destroying a laptop you gave to your own child), do the world a favor and get sterilised. Your parents were probably cousins and you shouldn't put anyone through being an interbred idiot with the right to bear guns.

  6. I can see her dads eyes how much pain he went through shooting this vid. as a 14 yearold I respect that guy.

  7. I remember when this 1st happened…..didn't the dad get sued or something? Or didn't the police threat to remove the child from the home?

  8. For those who are spoiled and self-entitled: Grow up, get a job and work hard…Also, do not badmouth and disrespect others, especially your own parents, online and offline.

  9. This video randomly popped into my head today, and I am really curious about how things ended up. What year was it when Hannah finally got ungrounded? Or is she still grounded to this day, at 26/27 years old? Did she go on to college and get a good career for herself? Is she married now with kids who will be told stories about how grandpa shot her laptop?

  10. When I was a kid, I thought this was so funny. Now that I'm older, I recognize this as abuse. This video makes me so sad. 🙁

    In the post, the daughter literally just complains how she has to do everything and she's upset about it. Like, apparently she has to do a fuckton. Then you minimize her work, completely unappreciative. "It only takes a minute." And then she complains about needing to get a job on top of all the chores?

    Like?? Okay??? She's tired. She's upset for a valid reason. And she didn't even complain to your face. You had to get around being blocked to find out. She was simply VENTING. And you react by shooting her laptop?? This is how you react to your daughter simply saying how she feels not even to you? THAT is "rebellious???" She's not allowed to voice even an ounce of her feelings if it's not fawning over her parents.

    This is abuse. This guy gonna be real confused when his daughter never speaks to him when she moves out.

  11. I was in her same position, essentially the house "slave" (As she aptly put it)

    Where I was basically doing everything from gardening to house care, name a chore, I've done it.

    I lived at my dad's place for 15 years before we got into some legal trouble (I won't be getting into it) and now i live at my mothers place.

    I couldn't be happier to have a full time job and minimal chores (due to bigger family size, i was the only person who could work as much at my dads place, since most of them are disabled)

    I hoped she matured up. Also, is she still grounded? I must know the lore.

  12. I’m nearly an adult and I can definitely see why this man is so disappointed in his daughter. She’s only 15 and she made probably the most rebellious post ever. If I ever have children and they did something similar, if not, the same as this, I wouldn’t destroy their belongings but rather absolutely punish them to the highest extent and maybe teach them a lesson the hard way. But, yea your daughter definitely did deserve this. I hope she has changed (if at all) for the better.

  13. "i spent money on you therefore I'm entitled to your affections and appreciation, or else you'll answer to my gun."
    -a father who clearly isn't guilty of any abuse ever
    Man early YouTube was wild.

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