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Fávaro Reveals Epic Partnership: Japan Joins Forces with Brazil for Transforming Dilapidated Pastures!

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Commits to Helping Brazil Convert Degraded Pastures into Cultivable Areas

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Commits to Helping Brazil Convert Degraded Pastures into Cultivable Areas

Recently, Agriculture Minister Carlos Fávaro announced that the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has committed to supporting Brazil in its efforts to convert degraded pastures into cultivable areas. This partnership between Japan and Brazil aims to increase agricultural production in the country while also promoting sustainability and environmental conservation. With JICA’s assistance, Brazil is set to embark on a transformative project that will have a significant impact on the nation’s agricultural landscape.

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

The conversion of degraded pastures into cultivable areas is a crucial step towards sustainable agriculture. Brazil, a key player in global food production, is facing significant challenges in balancing agricultural expansion with environmental preservation. With vast portions of the country’s landlocked by unproductive pastures, the need for their conversion becomes imperative.

JICA’s commitment to supporting Brazil’s sustainable agricultural practices reflects the agency’s recognition of the importance of environmental conservation for long-term food security and economic growth. By partnering with Brazil, JICA aims to leverage its expertise and resources to implement innovative solutions that address both productivity and environmental concerns.

Promising Partnerships for Sustainable Agriculture

JICA’s involvement in Brazil’s agricultural sector extends beyond this recent commitment. The agency has been a significant partner of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) since its foundation. JICA’s support has helped Embrapa in its foundational research and development programs, such as Prodecer.

Now, with this new commitment, JICA promises to work closely with Brazil to structure the conversion of pastures into productive areas. This collaboration will involve key stakeholders such as Banco do Brasil, BNDES (Brazilian Development Bank), and Embrapa. By bringing together expertise from various institutions, Brazil aims to create a comprehensive strategy that ensures the successful implementation of this sustainable project.

Investment Opportunities: Sumitomo and Low-Productivity Pasture Recovery

During his visit to Japan, Minister Fávaro also discussed potential investment opportunities with Sumitomo, a prominent Japanese company. The focus of these discussions was on the recovery of low-productivity pastures in Brazil. This initiative has immense potential for revitalizing large areas of unproductive land and maximizing the country’s agricultural output.

JICA’s commitment to supporting Brazil’s sustainable agricultural practices extends to facilitating partnerships with companies like Sumitomo. These collaborations can provide the necessary financial resources and expertise to implement large-scale pasture recovery projects. By engaging with the private sector, Brazil can leverage the power of investments to drive agricultural innovation and enhance productivity.

Unlocking Brazil’s Agricultural Potential

Investing in the recovery of low-productivity pastures in Brazil not only benefits the environment but also holds significant economic potential. According to the ministry, this endeavor is part of Brazil’s broader strategy to boost agricultural production and increase the country’s competitiveness in the global market.

Brazil possesses vast agricultural resources, but the underutilization of degraded pastures hinders its ability to reach its full potential. By transforming these unproductive areas into cultivable land, Brazil can expand its agricultural output, increase export opportunities, and strengthen its position as a global agricultural powerhouse.

Further Insights and Perspectives

Beyond the official statements and commitments, there are additional insights and perspectives that shed light on the significance of Brazil’s collaboration with JICA and other potential partners.

Enhancing Food Security and Agricultural Resilience

The conversion of degraded pastures into cultivable areas addresses two critical aspects of food security: productivity and resilience. By increasing cultivable land, Brazil can enhance its food production capacity, ensuring a stable supply for its growing population and global markets.

Moreover, this initiative contributes to agricultural resilience by diversifying Brazil’s production systems. Overreliance on monoculture practices, such as soybean and beef production, makes Brazil vulnerable to price fluctuations and climate-related risks. By introducing a more diverse range of crops and promoting sustainable farming practices, Brazil can mitigate the impact of external shocks and build greater resilience in its agricultural sector.

Impacts on Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation

The conversion of degraded pastures into cultivable areas has far-reaching environmental benefits. Not only does it reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with deforestation and land degradation, but it also promotes biodiversity conservation.

Integrating sustainable land use practices, such as agroforestry and silvopastoral systems, can create mosaic landscapes that support a wide range of flora and fauna. These diversified production systems contribute to the protection and restoration of biodiversity, ensuring a healthier and more sustainable ecosystem.

Technological Innovation and Knowledge Transfer

The collaboration between Brazil and JICA also provides an opportunity for technological innovation and knowledge transfer. As Japan is widely recognized for its advanced agricultural technologies, this partnership can facilitate the exchange of expertise and best practices.

Brazil can benefit from Japan’s experience in precision agriculture, efficient irrigation systems, and sustainable farming techniques. By adopting these innovations, Brazil can optimize its agricultural production, reduce resource consumption, and mitigate environmental impacts.


Japan International Cooperation Agency’s commitment to helping Brazil convert degraded pastures into cultivable areas marks an important milestone in sustainable agriculture. This partnership signifies the convergence of environmental and economic interests, highlighting the potential for transformative projects that benefit both nations.

Investing in the recovery of low-productivity pastures and leveraging Japan’s expertise opens up new avenues for Brazil to strengthen its agricultural sector, enhance food security, and contribute to global sustainability efforts. This collaborative endeavor demonstrates the power of international partnerships in addressing complex challenges and unlocking untapped potential.

Through this strategic alliance, Brazil aims to drive agricultural innovation, adopt sustainable land use practices, and ensure a resilient and thriving agricultural sector for future generations.


In a recent announcement, Agriculture Minister Carlos Fávaro shared that the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has committed to helping Brazil convert degraded pastures into cultivable areas. This partnership aims to increase agricultural production in Brazil while promoting sustainability and environmental conservation. JICA will be working closely with stakeholders like Banco do Brasil, BNDES, and Embrapa to structure and implement this transformative project. Discussions with Sumitomo also highlight investment opportunities in recovering low-productivity pastures. This initiative holds immense potential for boosting Brazil’s agricultural sector, enhancing food security, and promoting climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. Overall, this partnership signifies the convergence of environmental and economic interests and demonstrates the power of international collaborations in achieving sustainable development goals.


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Agriculture Minister Carlos Fávaro said the Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) is committed to helping Brazil convert degraded pastures into cultivable areas. “Jica, an important partner in Brazil, has already helped Embrapa in its foundation, in Prodecer. And now he has promised to work together with Brazil to structure the conversion of pastures into productive areas, ”said Fávaro, in a video on social networks, after a meeting with representatives of the Japanese government during his mission to the country.

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According to the minister, the Japanese agency will carry out a mission to Brazil in August. “He will meet with Banco do Brasil, BNDES and Embrapa so that we can structure and begin to implement this great sustainable project to increase Brazilian production in the field,” said the minister.

In a note, the ministry reported that during the visit the minister also discussed the possibility of Sumitomo investing in the recovery of low-productivity pastures in Brazil. The issue was discussed in a meeting between Favaro and Sumitomo CEO Masayuki Hyodo.
