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Figorr Raises $1.5m To Provide Insurance To Sensitive Products

By Adedapo Adesanya

Figorr, a Lagos-based technology company that develops Internet of Things-powered solutions, has raised $1.5 million in seed funding to use data to prevent loss of temperature-sensitive products as well as insure against post-harvest losses.

The round was led by Atlantica Ventures, with participation from Vested World, Jaza Rift, and Katapult.

The company intends to use the funds for the rollout of a proprietary risk management platform that will provide data that will make it easier to insure perishable and temperature-sensitive goods on the African continent.

Formerly known as Gricd, the startup has so far raised $1.7 million in equity funding and $275,000 in grants from various entities such as the Google Black Founders Fund, Africa Business Heroes by Jack Ma Foundation, FbStart, and Lafiya Innovators by Impact Hub.

Led by CEO and founder, Mr Oghenetega Iortim, Figorr develops IoT-powered solutions that complement existing infrastructure and assets to reduce or eliminate losses associated with the transportation and storage of temperature-sensitive and perishable goods in Africa.

The company’s solutions provide real-time data on location, humidity, temperature, and other key data points, enabling businesses and other stakeholders in agriculture, healthcare, logistics, and other sectors across Africa to maximise the value of perishable and temperature-sensitive goods such as vaccines, insulin, and food.

According to Mr Iortim, “One major challenge we have seen by serving the sector is that a lot of our customers fear getting notifications that their products are being exposed to harsh conditions, and this is simply because historically, perishables are a risky sector.”

“We are helping insurance companies to see the opportunity by providing them with the data [and] for our customer, if something goes wrong, they will have some comfort that insurance is providing them with some level of coverage,” he told TechCrunch.

Figorr already works with some of the leading pharmaceutical manufacturers and food companies in Nigeria and across Africa to enable the effective transportation and storage of food and pharmaceuticals.

It has tracked more than 110 million perishable items and supported its customers to realise more than $200 million in savings.

The startup is also set to launch a risk management platform before the year ends, which will provide insurance companies with the data needed to introduce tailor-made products to their customers. The platform will be built against the data that Figorr has been collecting over the last three years to show the risk profiles of its customers.

Mr Iortim launched Figorr in 2019, as a provider of mobile solar-powered storage boxes, before pivoting to double down on the IoT component of the product.


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