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Final conditions met for Groupe Crit and Openjobmetis deal

22 April 2024

Openjobmetis and French staffing firm Groupe Crit announced that the final conditions regarding the acquisition plans for the Italian staffing firm have been satisfied.

In December, Groupe Crit announced the signing of a Memoranda of Understanding to acquire Openjobmetis. The acquisition would be carried out in cash at a price of €16.50 per Openjobmetis share.

In February, Groupe Crit said it finalised the due diligence process regarding acquisition plans for the Italian staffing firm.

The French staffing firm signed the transfer agreements on 8 and 22 February 2024, on the one hand with the shareholders of Plavisgas Srl for the acquisition of the company holding 34.14% of Openjobmetis securities and on the other hand with the companies Omniafin Spa, MTI Investimenti Srl, and Quaestio Capital SGR Spa for the acquisition of the securities they hold in Openjobmetis (i.e. respectively 18 .45%, 5.15% and 6.91%).

These agreements remained subject to the lifting of the condition precedent of the approval of the Italian government under the so-called “Golden Power” regulations which gives the government special powers to approve or veto foreign direct investment.

As of 19 April 2024, this condition precedent has been lifted. This means the group will proceed with the securities acquisition operations.

Openjobmetis ranks as the 32ndLargest Staffing Firm in Europe while Groupe Crit ranks as the 12th largest.