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Find out how Mamador is taking women’s health to a whole new level at this mind-blowing 4th Annual Meeting in August!

The Importance of the Mamador Women’s Meeting: Empowering Nigerian Women to Embrace Healthy Living


In recent years, the August Women’s Meeting organized by Mamador, a premium food brand, has become a highly anticipated event for Nigerian women. The fourth edition, held on August 31, 2023, focused on the brand’s popular ‘Explore Your Flavor’ message and had the theme ‘Healthy for You.’ This article delves into the significance of this event and highlights the key takeaways from the meeting, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing well-being and embracing healthy living to maximize potential.

I. A Celebration of a Healthy Lifestyle

The fourth edition of the August Women’s Meeting aimed to reflect the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. It brought together women from different walks of life, urging them to prioritize their well-being. The event emphasized the need for Nigerian women to embrace healthy living, recognizing it as a powerful tool in maximizing their potential. Through engaging speeches and interactive sessions, the meeting encouraged women to take charge of their physical and mental health, thereby empowering themselves as the queens they truly are.

II. Powerful Keynote Addresses

The highlight of the event was the insightful keynote addresses delivered by a panel of amazing women, including Dr. Tewa Onasanya, Sola Adesakin, and Kemi Longe. These influential speakers shared their perspectives on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, building wealth, and adopting the right mindset for success. Their speeches resonated with the audience, both at the physical venue and the virtual audience attending remotely. The speakers emphasized the importance of eliminating undesirable habits that hinder personal growth, while urging women to embrace self-care and personal development.

III. Recognizing the Need for Change

Chioma Mbanugo, the Marketing Director of PZ Wilmar, shed light on the significance of this year’s edition of the Mamador Women’s Meeting. She acknowledged the heavy responsibilities borne by women in Nigerian society, often at great personal cost. Mbanugo emphasized that many women neglect their own well-being while being there for others. However, Mamador aimed to break this status quo by encouraging Nigerian women to explore flavor and thrive, but not at the expense of their health. The meeting highlighted the importance of nurturing one’s well-being first, which ultimately leads to better productivity and fulfillment in other aspects of life.

IV. Mamador: Promoting Healthy Living

Mamador, produced by PZ Wilmar Limited, serves as a catalyst for positive change. The brand understands the need for women to prioritize their well-being and supports them in doing so. Mamador Cooking Oil and Mamador Bread Cream are some of the brand’s popular products that cater to the health-conscious Nigerian women, offering nutritious options for their culinary needs. By encouraging women to adopt a healthy lifestyle, Mamador not only promotes physical well-being but also empowers women to take control of their lives and become the best versions of themselves.


The Mamador Women’s Meeting serves as a powerful platform for empowering Nigerian women to embrace healthy living. The fourth edition, themed ‘Healthy for You,’ highlighted the importance of nurturing one’s well-being and maximizing personal potential. Through engaging keynote addresses, the meeting encouraged women to eliminate undesirable habits, embrace self-care, and focus on personal development. Mamador, as a brand, supports women in their journey towards a healthier lifestyle, offering products that cater to their nutritional needs. By prioritizing well-being, Nigerian women can unlock their true potential and lead fulfilling lives.

Additional Piece: Unlocking the Power of Healthy Living: Lessons from the Mamador Women’s Meeting


As the world becomes more fast-paced and demanding, it is crucial to prioritize our well-being. The Mamador Women’s Meeting, organized by the premium food brand Mamador, is an annual event that aims to empower Nigerian women to embrace healthy living. This additional piece explores the lessons and insights gained from the meeting, offering practical tips and strategies to unlock the power of healthy living.

I. The Link Between Well-being and Success

The Mamador Women’s Meeting emphasized the strong correlation between personal well-being and success. Taking care of one’s physical, mental, and emotional health is essential for achieving goals and reaching full potential. The meeting highlighted the importance of adopting a holistic approach to well-being, encompassing physical fitness, mental resilience, emotional intelligence, and spiritual awareness. By paying attention to these different aspects of health, women can enhance their overall well-being and in turn, become more successful in various areas of life.

II. Building Healthy Habits

One of the key takeaways from the Mamador Women’s Meeting is the importance of building healthy habits. Small, consistent actions can lead to significant improvements in one’s health and well-being. The meeting encouraged women to incorporate regular exercise into their routines, prioritize nutritious food choices, and practice mindfulness and self-care. By making these habits a part of their daily lives, women can experience increased energy levels, improved mental clarity, and enhanced overall satisfaction.

III. Balancing Work and Well-being

In today’s fast-paced society, many women struggle to find a balance between work and well-being. The Mamador Women’s Meeting shed light on the need to prioritize self-care and personal development, even in the midst of hectic schedules. By setting boundaries, practicing time management, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, women can achieve a harmonious work-life balance. This balance not only benefits their well-being but also enhances their productivity and effectiveness in the workplace.

IV. The Power of Mindset

Another valuable lesson from the Mamador Women’s Meeting is the power of mindset. The meeting emphasized the importance of adopting a positive and growth-oriented mindset. By embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, reframing negative self-talk, and cultivating resilience, women can overcome obstacles and thrive in any situation. A healthy mindset is a catalyst for personal development and success, enabling women to face life’s ups and downs with courage and determination.

V. Supportive Networks and Resources

The Mamador Women’s Meeting also highlighted the benefits of supportive networks and resources. Building a strong support system, whether through family, friends, or professional communities, is crucial for maintaining motivation and accountability in one’s journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, utilizing available resources such as health experts, fitness facilities, and educational materials can provide valuable guidance and help sustain healthy habits in the long run.


The Mamador Women’s Meeting serves as a catalyst for Nigerian women to unlock the power of healthy living. The lessons and insights gained from the meeting offer practical strategies to prioritize well-being and maximize personal potential. By building healthy habits, balancing work and well-being, cultivating a positive mindset, and utilizing supportive networks and resources, women can embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. The Mamador Women’s Meeting is a testament to the brand’s commitment to empowering women and fostering a culture of well-being in Nigerian society.


The Mamador Women’s Meeting, organized by the premium food brand Mamador, is an annual event that celebrates the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and empowers Nigerian women to prioritize their well-being. The fourth edition, themed ‘Healthy for You,’ focused on the importance of embracing healthy living to maximize personal potential. Keynote addresses from influential speakers highlighted the need to eliminate undesirable habits, embrace self-care, and foster personal development. Mamador, as a brand, supports women in their journey towards a healthier lifestyle, offering products that cater to their nutritional needs. The meeting emphasized the link between well-being and success, encouraging women to build healthy habits, balance work and well-being, develop a positive mindset, and utilize supportive networks and resources. By prioritizing well-being, Nigerian women can unlock their true potential and lead fulfilling lives.


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Four years later, we can all agree that the August Women’s Meeting organized by the premium food brand Mamador is here to stay. The fourth edition that took place on Thursday 31street August 2023 was based on the brand’s popular ‘Explore Your Flavor’ message and was themed ‘Healthy for You’.

This edition was designed to reflect the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and urge Nigerian women around the world to prioritize their well-being and embrace healthy living to maximize their potential as the Queens that they are.

The event featured keynote addresses from the panel of amazing ladies, Dr. Tewa Onasanya, Sola Adesakin, and Kemi Longe, who spoke to the audience about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, building wealth, and adopting the right mindset for success. Addressing the meeting, which was also extended to a virtual audience, the keynote speakers urged women to eliminate undesirable habits that can hinder their growth and embrace self-care and personal development. Click link

for the highlight of the event.

Chioma Mbanugo, Marketing Director of PZ Wilmar, explained the importance of this year’s edition. She said: “We live in a society where women have to do a lot of heavy lifting at great personal cost. Many of them don’t realize that it’s okay to nurture their well-being first, so many women put their immediate personal needs on the back burner while still being there for others. With the Women’s Gathering in August this year, Mamador is taking steps to break that status quo. We want the average Nigerian woman to explore flavor and thrive from it; however, she can’t do it if she doesn’t feel 100% healthy.”

Mamador is produced by PZ Wilmar Limited, a joint venture between PZ Cussons and Wilmar International. Its products include Mamador Cooking Oil and Mamador Bread Cream.

Mamador Celebrates Women’s Health and Wellness at the 4th Annual August Women Meeting 
