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Find out the one simple thing Gen Z needs to retire as a millionaire – advice from finance guru Suze Orman!

The Power of Time: Millennials and Gen Z Can Retire as Millionaires, Says Suze Orman

Renowned financial expert Suze Orman believes that the younger generation has the potential to retire as millionaires due to a powerful factor working on their side – time. By saving early and capitalizing on the years ahead, Generation Z (Gen Z) and millennial workers could make an “astronomical” amount of money.

Delaying Investment Journey Would Cost You

According to Orman, delaying your investment journey by just 10 years “could cost you $700,000.” Unlike Generation X and the Baby Boomers, time is on the side of younger individuals. Investing in one’s future self can be a difficult thought to grasp when in one’s early twenties and just enjoying life. However, it’s an approach that could cost thousands of dollars, according to Orman. The younger generation needs to understand that the most important factor in any recipe for financial freedom is compounding, she stresses.

Compound Growth and Gen Z Retirement as Millionaires

Orman highlights the power of compound growth by using just $100 as an example. By investing $100 a month in an Individual Roth Retirement Account (IRA) between the ages of 25 and 65, Gen Z could retire as millionaires. She explains that if there is an average of 12% annual return, one could have a million dollars. Putting a $100 monthly investment into an account with a 12% return would earn someone about $1,188,342 in 40 years.

Delays in Investing Journey Lead to Decreased Returns

The longer you delay your investment journey, the smaller the amount of money you’ll accumulate. A millennial just five years older, when they start their investing journey at 30, would have accumulated around $649,626 by age 65 – just five years is enough to cut returns by almost half. Orman points out that if an individual waits ten years before starting their investing journey, they could make $700,000.

Employer-sponsored Savings Tools and Investment Apps

According to Orman, the 12% annual average return that would make a Gen Z worker a pre-retirement millionaire is a conservative percentage. She estimates that one can expect up to a 25% return on their money. The finance guru insists that Gen Z takes advantage of employer-sponsored savings tools like 401(k)s and IRAs that offer tax benefits and potential employer grants, as well as explore investment apps that require minimal upfront investment.

Engaging with Finance for Future Millionaire Retirement

While a majority of millennials’ and Gen Z’s expenditure goes towards shopping and entertaining, they should allocate some funds towards retirement. These age groups should consider specific steps for a better chance at future retirement millionaire status by understanding the power of compounding and the benefit of investing early.

To kick-start a successful retirement savings strategy, here are useful tips to consider:
1. Start early, even if it means making small contributions.
2. Use tools such as employer-sponsored retirement accounts that give benefits for contributions.
3. Review investment portfolios regularly.
4. Invest money in diverse, well-researched options.
5. Maximize yearly contributions in retirement savings accounts.

Most importantly, remember that every small investment counts. It is easy, especially if one is living paycheck to paycheck, to keep delaying savings, but establishing a savings mindset and looking into ways to grow wealth early on it is worth it.

Time is truly the younger generation’s greatest asset. By allotting funds towards retirement, they can maximize their potential to enjoy a million-dollar retirement. Orman reiterates that the key to achieving this goal is to wisely invest, diversify portfolios and start early.


Renowned financial expert Suze Orman believes that Millennials and Gen Z workers can retire as millionaires if they capitalize on time by saving early. According to Orman, delaying your investment journey could significantly decrease returns. Gen Z and millennials can retire as millionaires by investing in their future selves. Compound growth is enormously powerful. By investing $100 a month in an IRA, Gen Z could retire millionaires. To compound this, the longer a person delays the journey to accumulate wealth, the smaller the amount of money that they will accumulate. Orman advises using employer-sponsored savings and trying investment apps that require minimal upfront investment. Millennials and Gen Z should consider various steps to ensure future millionaire retirement, such as investing diverse and well-researched options, maximizing yearly contributions, and using tools such as employer-sponsored savings.

Additional Piece:

Most millennials and Gen Z individuals are known to live in the moment, spending big sums of money on shopping, travel, and exciting experiences. Oftentimes it can seem difficult to consciously think about saving money for the long run. The younger generation needs to realize that making small investments counts, especially when thinking about long-term retirement. One of the advantages of being young is time, and this fact should not be overlooked.

The earlier one starts investing, the more their money is likely to grow. It is understandable that saving can feel like a tedious task, and investing can seem a bit daunting at first. However, investing in oneself is investing in the future. The younger generation should start with small investments that will accumulate over time. By investing in tax-advantaged retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and Roth IRAs, the money will compound interest year after year.

Moreover, diversifying one’s portfolio by investing in a mix of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds can help mitigate risks and achieve better returns. Through regular contributions and taking on calculated risks, a small initial investment can turn into a million-dollar retirement.

The younger generation should also review their investment portfolios regularly and explore traditional employer-sponsored retirement accounts that offer tax benefits and potential employer grants. The 2019 National Retirement Risk Index found that almost 51% of American households are at risk of having insufficient savings for retirement. This risk highlights the importance of investing for the future, as early as possible.

Time is indeed money, and considering the power of time, the younger generation can maximize their potential to experience an abundant retirement. As Orman recommends, investing early, diversifying portfolios, and investing wisely is key. The younger generation must develop a savings mindset, and look into ways to grow wealth early on. In the long run, it will be worth it.

In closing, millennials and Gen Z should seek to balance their present consumption and future aspirations. While it is essential to live in the present, one should not overlook the long-term benefits of investing early in life. By following Orman’s advice, and investing early and wisely, millennials and Gen Z will have the highest chance of retiring as millionaires.


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Millennials and Gen Z workers could make an “astronomical” amount of money using the one obvious factor working in their favor: time.

Renowned financial expert Suze Orman believes that Gen Z workers have the potential to retire as millionaires by capitalizing on the years ahead and saving early.

“You’re starting to grow your money now, and you’re going to have more money than you ever thought possible,” she said monetary wise adding that delaying your investment journey by just 10 years “could cost you $700,000.”

Unlike Generation X and the Baby Boomers, time is on your side

Investing in your future self can be a difficult thought to grasp when you’re in your early 20s and just enjoying life.

But it’s a mentality that will cost you – literally thousands, according to Orman.

“You want to play and have fun, that’s up to you later in life when you can’t pay your bills,” Orman told Moneywise.

“Her priority is her youth, her priority is time,” she said. “If there’s something the younger generation needs to understand, it’s that the most important ingredient in any recipe for financial freedom is compounding.”

She used just $100 to highlight how powerful compound growth is.

By investing $100 a month in an Individual Roth Retirement Account (IRA) between the ages of 25 and 65, Gen Z could retire a millionaires.

“If you averaged a 12% annual return — the markets can do that for you — you’d have a million dollars,” she explains.

Putting a $100 monthly investment into an account with a 12% return would earn someone about $1,188,342 in 40 years.

But here’s the catch: the longer you delay your investment journey, the smaller the amount of money you’ll accumulate.

A millennial just five years older when they start their investing journey at 30 would have accumulated around $649,626 by age 65 – shockingly, just 5 years is enough to cut returns by almost half.

In the meantime, if you wait 10 years before starting your investing journey, you could make $700,000, Orman points out.

Of course, this is a simplified calculation that doesn’t take into account taxes or account restrictions — say, if your income is over $153,000, you can’t contribute at all — but it shows why time really is young people’s greatest asset when it comes to it goes wealth building.

12% could be conservative, says Orman

The 12% annual average return that would make a Gen Z worker a pre-retirement millionaire is a conservative percentage, according to Orman, who estimates you can expect up to a 25% return on your money.

That’s why the finance guru insists that Gen Z take advantage of employer-sponsored savings tools like 401(k)s and IRAs that offer tax benefits and potential employer grants, as well as explore investment apps that require minimal upfront investment.

“If you commit to this process month after month — and over a long period of time — that’s the amount of money.” [you] could have been astronomical”