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Florida woman charged with manslaughter in fatal shooting of mom of four

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Susan Lorincz was arrested and charged with multiple counts in the fatal shooting of her Florida neighbor Ajike “AJ” Owens, …


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36 thoughts on “Florida woman charged with manslaughter in fatal shooting of mom of four”

  1. She should be charged of murder and carry 40 years in prison, not manslaughter.
    Just realized many of your already said that.

  2. White folks need to remember that we are not in the 20’s 40’s 50’s where you can shoot a ninja and nothing will happen to you, those days are over with especially when the police, sheriff and judges are brave enough to stand solely on the laws regardless of race. That lady is mean, bitter and nasty. I’m glad the law was on AJ and her kids side. I hope she gets what’s coming to her swiftly.

  3. Prime example of a KAREN how dare she bully someone’s children & have the nerve to be scared enough to shoot through a closed door killing this woman when confronted about her behavior. I really think that she thought the shooting would be justified bc she’s white & more times then not black ppl are always made out to be the aggressors Not this time. Jokes on her‼️

  4. Oh it was self defense because the woman attacked her before… was thet before or after she threw a rollerskate at her child and throwing her ipad and yelling racial slurs at kids???. In empty field that didn't beling to her. Kids actually playing outside and this woman attacks and yells at children. Jee white or black. This woman throws stuff and yells slurs at my kids. I would of confronted her to. Self defense and common ground doesnt count behind a locked door. Manslaughter. Thats BS. Thats murder at very least 3rd degree. Manslaughter is accidental. There was nothing accidental avout shooting a woman through your door because you attacked her kids…. momma lion…. and she struck her down and now 4 kids left without a mom. And this racist karen will be offered a plea bargin and let go on probation or some crap.

  5. Manslaughter? BS ! She committed straight up first degree murder! Charge her for that! If is was the black lady who did the shooting it would be first degree murder,and we all know that,did meatball Ron pass a new law say it's alright for white folks to shoot people of color and get a lesser sentence?🤔🤨 To this day i still wonder why people of color want to live in Florida, knowing their past history of killing people of color, starting with the indians ,then eliminating an entire black town over a white woman's lie, now discrimination of Hispanic,the Amerikkkan past just keep coming to light rhe more republitards try to hide it.🤔🤨🖕

  6. I wonder why the reporters aren't showing more of the property, such as where was the basketball net placed, was there other vacant property there. Why was the skate left at her back door that she seems to have tossed away so not to trip on it. The ipad is more then likely made up as an excuse cause why would a child have an ipad in a vacant field where they are running and playing? Also the news mentioned she went to Susans house after getting home, how long are the kids left alone each day and maybe thought it was fun tormenting the old woman. LETS SEE DRONE FOOTAGE OF STREET and surrounding areas.

  7. I feel like the shooter had no right to shoot the young Lady. If the shooter had a problem or she felt threatening she could of call the police with the situation. No excuse to shoot the young lady that love her kids and her kids love her. I pray 🙏 to God that she go to jail for the rest of her life.

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