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‘Follow your passions’ advice limits women in STEM fields, study shows

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Encouraging young adults to follow their career passions may actually narrow career choices and contribute to the lack of women …


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25 thoughts on “‘Follow your passions’ advice limits women in STEM fields, study shows”

  1. Anyone should follow their passions and dreams whether STEM or being a teacher, an artist or a gardener or a trash collector!

  2. I'd like to know how they determined exactly what people were told for that poll. Seriously? How would you even remember any of that? Besides…to me "follow your passion" means that IF you like science and math then you do that and if you like caring for people or teaching then you do that. The only thing I know for certain is that women (like myself) need to stop worrying about what other people think and just say "give me that raise" or leave. That's what I did. I asked for a raise. The boss laughed. I left. Never had another boss laugh when I asked for more money. Never had an issue getting more money when I asked for it either because I was a good worker. I always had other employers trying to snipe me from the employers I had. Be reliable & good at your job. Too many people are afraid of leaving their jobs if they don't get what they're deserved. And too many people think that they deserve more than they're worth. I've seen people living in their parents basement filing resumes for corporate jobs in the field they want but they won't get a job in the meantime. Guess what…as an office manager, I wouldn't hire you. If you have your college degree but you're just sitting around waiting to be hired for the "perfect" job without working at all, that tells me that you have ZERO work ethic. Zero. Get a job. Any job while you're looking for the one you want or you'll be passed up more than once. I'd rather train someone with zero education in the field than train someone with a degree who expects to get their "dream" job without ever working.

  3. I love this! And, personally, I think it should be taken further. Women should not be allowed to do anything that doesn't improve "feminist friendly" stats. In fact, women should just submit themselves to a feminist overlord. Free will is overrated anyway.. well, for women it is.

  4. Maybe we should do a better job of valuing and paying jobs traditionally held by women. Nurses and teachers are more valuable to society as a whole than CEOs.

  5. Yes. Yes you are. You are telling us to be miserable in pursuit of money, cause nothing is more important than money…. BS!!!!!! NOT TRUE!!! Total garbage. Can't take any of that money with me when I die.

  6. Liberals: Of course women should be given the same opportunity in STEM as men. They have so much that they can contribute!
    republicans: Sorry girls, you can't be trusted to make decisions for your own body, so how can you be good at STEM?

    Lol, try as you will, this isn't the 1950s, losers. 😂🤣

  7. I'm an old guy who went back to college in 1990 at age 40 to get a mechanical engineering degree at UC Davis, and at that time, there were only a very few women in that program probably less than a dozen out of a cohort of several hundred men. There were more women in some of the other engineering disciplines, but not that many. Women are severely under-represented in engineering. STEM fields are hard work and require good prep in HS and don't leave much time for partying in college.

  8. not everyone is meant to be a lawyer, doctor, firefighter, businessman, teacher, or pursue a career in stem. we all have different interests/hobbies that we enjoy and we would love to make careers out of them. the problem is, our society is built on needing money to survive so we take on jobs/careers that many of us have zero interests in just to make ends meet due to high costs of everything, which is life. one thing i've learned as i've gotten older is pursue what interests you. life is too short for regrets and wondering what could've been if you'd chosen the path you really wanted. yes, you can achieve whatever goal you want at various ages, but make sure it's what you want, something you don't have a problem with getting up at the crack of dawn (or before) and staying late until everyone else is gone. not every career is going to earn you a lot of money and that's just facts (that's another long discussion there). i believe it's great to introduce different careers options/possibilities to children at young ages, but don't try to coerce them into a path that they have no interest/passion for. some girls will take interest and want to purse a career in stem. for others, not so much and that's okay too.

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