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Gay Parenting: Promise and Pitfalls | Dave Rubin | EP 266

Dave Rubin is the creator and host of The Rubin Report. He is the author of Don’t Burn This Book and Don’t Burn This Country, and the co-founder of the community building platform Locals.

In this episode, Dave Rubin and I discuss the evolution of his lifestyle, the recent Leftist push of transgender ideology, and much more.

If you want to hear the rest of my conversation with Dave Rubin, please go to and become a member today. Thanks.

– Chapters –

(0:00) Coming up
(0:47) Intro
(3:01) What it means to be Gay
(6:08) The need for being a parent, and the rarity of exception
(7:44) Role models and “brotherhood of the marginalized”
(8:42) Inklings of starting a family
(9:53) This is an important conversation
(11:09) What marriage is
(13:48) Psychological health through partnership
(15:29) How Rubin was able to have a child
(20:38) A family with two fathers, what does that mean?
(21:25) Paternal and maternal parental roles
(24:12) Realities of what might be lacking, and how to mitigate
(25:59) Sustained adolescence is an important factor
(28:00) Historically associated flamboyance, seeds of normalcy
(30:22) Secular acceptance is necessary to mitigate fetishizing cardinal desire
(32:44) Are all families equal? Falling short of the ideal
(35:35) Shirking the ideal is not the answer for the margins
(38:11) Who should society stop from having kids?
(40:34) The conversation must be acceptable, even if uncomfortable
(42:50) Genetic similarity is an important factor
(47:48) Trying to live towards the most inherent good
(50:09) Losing truth and false unification
(51:35) Ken Zucker, the victimized 80 percent
(53:50) The trans movement is extremely anti-gay
(56:03) The banning of conversion therapy
(58:44) Dave Rubins role in our changing culture
(59:52) When you change fundamental structures…
(1:01:48) You are villainized even for studying gender dysphoria
(1:03:51) All encompassing tolerance is really a complete lack of discipline
(1:07:08) Creativity is an abundant trait among LGBT people

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47 thoughts on “Gay Parenting: Promise and Pitfalls | Dave Rubin | EP 266”

  1. Freesers 😂😂😂😂😂 boy u aint got no idea, mothersmilk is adapted to the baby at that specific moment , it isnt cows milk, further I think Candace Owens is right , this is pure selfish.On the other hand caring for an orphan by any loving adulf is a plus, so adopt

  2. Two men or two women can't become one the same way a man and a woman can. It is through sex that they become one. This conversation seems intellectual but it's not how the Creator designed it. He designed one man and one to be married and have children to live in a home with both parents doing their duty in raising them

  3. Interesting that Dave is deliberately and purposely lowering the Ideal to fulfill his desires. At that point I believe he is in fact lying to himself by not striving to live up to his own standards. Maybe adopting children without a family would be more in line with what is saying he stands for. Bottom line, he is not being consistent with his approach and maybe his own children will hit him with hard questions by asking him, where is my mom?

  4. Having mother and sister stay with you and night nurses and other people go through the pain of childbirth and pregnancy and breastfeeding (feels like getting electricuted for the first 2 months every feeding) defiantly doesn't spell out privileged, what part of parenting is ge going to be doing? That's like the children's first year of life taken care of by other people. it's all the pros and none of the struggles that make you want to pull your hair out. Who is going to be called "dad" in this situation? What is parenting without being so exhausted you think you might die of lack of sleep? Breastmilk is more complex than just a substance, it changes as the child grows, throughout the day, throughout the feeding, it changes when the child gets sick producing more white blood cells to help the child fight off the virus all bc of the saliva interacting with the nipple sending signals as to what that specific child needs at that specific moment

  5. I would have been so uncomfortable to interview Dave on this, especially knowing all that Dr Peterson knows on how absolutely imperative that both mother and father are to the development of a child. We naturally gravitate towards that which gave us life and without question know it is the only truth. If anything, this discussion with Dave shows that it is not going to work without a woman involved. Why can't this just ring true and help truth prevail? Why? Because the truth is hated.

  6. There is no promise. Children need mother and father. And I don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings, but Same Sex Marriage being codified by SCOTUS opened the door to transing the children.

  7. Egg donation and surogacy come with high health risks for women. It is wrong to do this. I support gay people getting married. I do not support them having kids through means other than adoption.

  8. Interesting thoughts—it will be interesting to see where homosexual families will go in the future. My guess is it is just going to cause more confusion and division in our society

  9. One of the most fascinating conversations I've ever heard. Two incredibly articulate intelligent and interesting men having an open conversation. The world needs more of this.

  10. As a kid who grew up without a dad I really have to urge people not to make choices that deprive the child of either parent if at all possible. Abusive parents are the exception of course.

  11. I've had much admiration for Jordan Peterson. I'm always amazed at your common sense and wisdom, but I couldn't believe what I was hearing about your views on parental gay marriage. Do you not realize what goes on in a gay marriage!?! Men sodomizing each other! These 2 children will be raised believing this type of behavior is good and normal. You know this is far from the truth! These kids will not be given a chance at a normal life from the git go. This is right down evil! Child abuse! May God have mercy on us.

  12. 11:54 "it's also more technically difficult to have children if you're a homosexual couple" HAH it's impossible! A homosexual couple cannot have children. They can adopt someone else's children, or they can violate the bonds of "homosexual marriage" if it must be called that, and have a child, either naturally or via invitro fertilization with an opposite sex partner, compel that opposite sex partner to give up parental rights, and then have their same sex partner adopt the child. In the second option, a measure of infidelity is necessary to accomplish procreation.
    In a traditional marriage, infidelity is unnecessary for procreation. Traditionally, infidelity is frowned upon precisely because it is disruptive to society; and of course, infidelity is disruptive to the marriage itself.
    It is a defensible argument that the primary reason for marriage is procreation. It's also very clear that the ideal situation for children is a two parent home. That home is traditionally a male/female married couple raising their own biological children. That is the ideal, and the standard upon which societies have been built throughout history. Of course, there are situations in which that ideal cannot be achieved for various reasons. A homosexual couple cannot procreate without some measure of infidelity. Already that situation provides a less than ideal condition for their offspring. Questions arise like: Should the child be allowed to meet and have a relationship with his other biological parent? Can same sex parents provide the same dynamic as opposite sex parents? In a traditional home, the mother is the nurturer, and provides the child with a sense of empathy, and the father is the disciplinarian, and provides the child with a moral compass. How does that change with same sex female parents? How does it change with same sex male parents? What are the long term effects on the child of being raised by same sex parents? Is the child more likely to adopt a homosexual lifestyle? Is the child more likely to act out in ways that may be destructive, or become criminal? For example, statistics are already clear that the vast majority of prisoners come from single parent homes.
    Now that I've asked all these questions, I'll listen to the rest of the discussion.

  13. I had a gay relative who ventured to have kids.
    I simply pointed out that no matter what your asseverations are, you are intentionally depriving your child of the parent of the opposite sex.

    He has now, unfortunately, lived to regret that decision and has to live with that guilt forever, and so does every family member who tacitly supported his actions.

    Interestingly he exhibits significantly more contrition than does the family who compromised their principles to support it. They mostly still make excuses for their actions.

    Dont do it.
    Now all we can do is stand by and watch the train wreck, helping out in whatever highly limited way we can.

    Whats also interesting is most of his support came from women. Its profound how utteely ignorant women are of their neccesity in child rearing that they would support anyone who would intentionally cut out the female influence from a childs life, and support whats essentially the practice of using a strangers womb as an incubator for hire, as if the pre birth conditions dont matter, and basically after all this so called progress again uses a womans body as a commodity.

  14. If you want to be gay thats your business. You make your choices and you will deal with them. But when you bring an innocent baby into the mix for yourself to have a more complete and fulfilled life, that's doing it for yourself you're not thinking of the impact on the child. I don't believe any baby should be brought into a gay marriage. You remarked that it would be a more "fulling life" with children in it but where is the concern for the baby? There is nothing a man can do to emulate the softness in a female, a mother who breastfeeds is much better for babies. You've rationalize that other gays gave adopted. But who has done an in depth study on the children of gay parents?
    These children no doubt love their parents because that is all they know., but they weren't given a choice. Similar to aborted babies, the liberals push these non normal types of agendas. Psychologically, I dont believe they were given a chance to have "a more "fulfilled" life, as the parent gave himself. In addtion they have been indocrinated in a offhanded way.

  15. I would not have known any of these guys were Gay had they not told us. And that is the point.
    Why does a person's sexual orientation have to stand out as their most defining public characteristic?

  16. 31:30 Jordan with much respect, I understand that it is your friend. But here. The Bible is not to be " actualized". Jesus is a real Person, He is God. He does not actualize Himself for a fleshly humanity bound to end when He will come back again to throw Satan in the eternal pit of fire.

    It is not about tradition to not acknowledge gay alliances. It is about donyou fear God or do you fear men.

    It is about ate you more Loyal to God than to Man.

    Endorsing gay marriage as somewhat accepting to God is something else.

    Jesus loves gay people but to Him gayness is a sin. So Christians love gay people but in a church setting being all encompassing about gay marriage, and even in our daily lives encouraging ppl or endorsing people to be in gay alliances is Sinful.

    We can love.
    Endorse is sth else.

    Yes it is good to talk about the difficulties experienced by children en parents in that gay parenting situation. But presenting it as acceptable to Christ or Christian is Sinful.

    Discussing this matter in that fashion is good. But the line between endorsing/accepting it and understand the phenomenon is blurry at times. Be blessed. James 1:5

  17. NOOOOOOOOOOO, GAYS SHOULD NOT HAVE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care how much anyone will intellectualize. Please with whom you want, leave children alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Awesome convention and I think y'all have a good plan of action moving forward. We do need a sense of respect for values and what has been a tried true for children to have the best chance s in life and I'm glad you and your husband have what seem s to be a good game plan for it while having respect and knowledge of tried and true of the natural things that come from having a female influence there as well . Thanks for having the conversation that seems hard to have and make sense in todays time political climate being what it is today and the social justice issues being made instead of real conversation and real talks and real solution s coming from it . And not a lot of hate ,pregidices, or the favorite labeling throwing around of word salad . Just a real conversation thanks to you both for that .

  19. My personal belief is that a child deserves a mother and a father, that is the ideal. Why couldn't these two men do volunteer work for inner city children or find other meaningful pursuits in life? Plenty of other people have found meaning through service? This discussion is mixing truth with error and is a mockery of God's plan for families. My faith wrote "The Family, A Proclamation to the World" back in 1995, a prophetic and timely revelation…

    "All Human Beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. The First Commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.

    We Declare the means by which mortal life is created to be divinely appointed. We affirm the sanctity of life and of its importance in God’s eternal plan.

    Husband And Wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalms 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations."

    "The Family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed.

    We Warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets."

  20. As long as you understand human development, and you have mental and financial stability, you may be onto the right path in parenting. However, parenting foundation is found and planted by God, and that is male and female. Like it or lump it.

  21. A good discussion, honest, enriching for the listeners, but the fact remains that the gay interlocuter has the money to buy the lifestyle he feels is right for him. There is something not quite right about it all. If it's biologically impossible, why not just accept it? Wanting to have it all seems to me to be one of the problems plaguing humanity. And using a surrogate is another topic for discussion.

  22. I like Dave – – but he is unacceptably selfish here…. Message to everyone adult involved in this —- leave the kids alone. Stop buying children and pretending you are not buying children – it is not ok….

  23. Children have a natural human right to their parents. Intentionally depriving them of that is selfish and cruel. Boys and girls need male fathers and female mothers so each knows how they should treat and be treated by the opposite sex.

  24. I love you, Dave. It’s a choice. It started with the thought, which was yours. Then, put into action became
    my issue. Why does the act of homosexuality NOW demand that I honor IT? (The Act of Homosexuality).
    YOU: make your own choice. (Hint: 1st Choice – God) When you know Him you will know. He will guide you through rough seeming consequences, and He will guide you gracefully). He loves you first, Dave, and then I love you. 1 John 2: 16

  25. I love Dave Rubin and it’s his choice to want to be homosexual. He alone will face judgement for that abomination, but children need the parents The Creator intended when He spoke.

  26. Both my kids have step parents after their father and I divorced. They also have half brothers, one from me and one from their dad. The connection my children have with their step father, particularly my daughter, is astounding. Their step mother and bio father treats them differently than their younger brother as he is their favorite. Their step father treats them as if he had sired them himself. He refuses to let anyone call their half brother i am birthing, due in August, their half brother. He says there is no half, though biologically, we know that to be true. Sometimes nurture overrides nature, especially when the connection is established early enough. My kids were 5 or younger when they met their step dad. They were over 8 when they met their stepmother, after their father had many girlfriends he'd bring around them. Stability is where it is at.

  27. Having children to fulfill your life? No, we have children to glorify God!….Just cuz you don't believe in God, doesn't mean He doesn't exist….but children are a blessing, and having children glorifies God. They don't belong to you.

  28. The gay community started all this grooming
    You moved the goal posts to what is moral and right.
    Now you don’t like the very gay community that is grooming the kids.
    Groomers beg for the same rights.

  29. I lost respect for Rubin when I found out he had rented women's body parts in order to raise motherless children. I cannot listen to him anymore. I find that whole concept nauseating to commodify the bodies of women just because he can afford to.

  30. Where are the additional expressions, this gent wanting to dissacociate himself from, Q +, x, y, z, ?

    This is perplexing, kinda think his number one is himself, and slip sliding into (excuse that!), what advantage, privilege others have, to on be a on par, then better, than.

    Rocket science?

    This is the tough one.
    If a person has done, said, thought, nothing ever, to prevent the takeover of their country by ' the peaceful people', who on earth is going to associate with such, let alone procreate with them?

  31. This was a smooth conversation, but eternal death is the ultimate consequence. Love means telling the truth of sin. Read the book of Roman s. God created Man to be with Woman, for reasons like this. It cannot be explained away no matter the intelligence of these experts.

  32. 5:58. In the 80s and 90s, I don't think that any of us thought about our future. With the AIDs epidemic going on without effective treatment, and with widespread discrimination and violence against gay people, none of us expected live to be 40. The idea of becoming parents was irresponsible at best because under these conditions, we could not commit to raising anyone for 18 years and beyond. The closest thing we had to marriage was setting up corporations with shared ownership and trusts and domestic partnerships that were recognized by a few local municipalities. The arrangement we had was forming an unincorporated association registered with the California Secretary of State and a domestic partnership registered in Berkeley.

  33. Did I miss something here ! ? Married men? How unnatural and not biblical at all!! I think we have missed the whole point. I’m shocked Peterson would have acted like this was the most natural lifestyles. Sorry but I don’t buy the whole interview.

  34. Incredible and enlightening discussion between two great thinkers who have the intuitive sense of knowing what is right and wrong in our country and how to improve it and hoe to deal with the bizarre Left who are the true racist, haters and divisive. Love to be the fly on the wall when these two have dinner together and discuss things that matter, Bravo to the both of them.

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