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Generation Alpha is so online that 95% of their parents learn about brands from them, according to a survey

Generation Alpha may not be the most important generation on every brand’s radar yet, but it’s time for retailers to start thinking about them and their interests.

According to a new consumer survey by DKC’s analytics group, 95% of Generation Alpha parents learn about new products or brands from their children.

  • In addition, 49% of these parents’ purchasing decisions were influenced by their child’s opinion.

The survey, conducted across the United States, included 1,000 adult American parents of Generation Alpha children ages 8 to 13, referred to in the report as the “entrance generation.”

This generation is not only very good at expressing its opinion in the household, it also has a certain amount of purchasing power of its own.

  • About 90% of Generation Alpha children surveyed find ways to earn money in one way or another, such as through housework, pocket money or selling or reselling online.

And if the typical Generation Alpha child already has purchasing power, it is obvious that he or she also has his or her preferred outlets and products to shop for.

  • According to the survey, 91% of parents surveyed said their children enjoy shopping and 92% said they are great at discovering “interesting new products.”

The 10 stores that topped the list of kids’ favorite retailers were Walmart, Amazon, Target, Nike, GameStop, Five Below, Shein, Costco, Dollar Tree and Sephora.

This report was Initial release from Retail Brewing.

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