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Get to know Moto3ℒ️’s David Alonso a little better! πŸ”

The first Colombian rider to take a GP podium! Get to know #Moto3’s David Alonso a little better! #MotoGP


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12 thoughts on “Get to know Moto3ℒ️’s David Alonso a little better! πŸ””

  1. Australian Fan Madman 🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘🀠🦘🦘
    Moto 3 is the closest most exciting motorcycle racing.

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