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Get Your Hands on Lucrative Small Business Grants in Seneca County – Limited Time Offer!

Grow Seneca Initiative: Supporting Small Businesses in Seneca County

Grow Seneca Initiative: Supporting Small Businesses in Seneca County


Seneca County has recently launched an exciting initiative to support the growth and development of small businesses in the region. With $500,000 allocated from the federal American Rescue Plan Act funds, the Grow Seneca initiative aims to act as a catalyst for economic development, diversify the local economy, and create employment opportunities for Seneca County residents.

The Grant Program

The centerpiece of the Grow Seneca initiative is the grant program, which offers eligible small businesses the opportunity to receive a $10,000 grant. This financial support can make a significant difference for existing or new businesses with 25 or fewer employees. By providing this boost, the county hopes to empower small businesses, encourage economic growth, and strengthen the local economy as a whole.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Grow Seneca grant program, small businesses must meet certain criteria. Existing for-profit businesses must have 25 or fewer employees as of December 31, 2022, and annual gross receipts of $1 million or less in fiscal year 2022. Startups, on the other hand, must fulfill 10 criteria, including a commitment to create at least one full-time job.

Application Process

Applying for the Grow Seneca grant program is a straightforward process. Interested businesses can obtain and download the application form, program guidelines, and criteria from the official Grow Seneca initiative website. Furthermore, those who prefer a paper copy can contact Board Secretary Amanda Vavra to have the materials mailed to them. The contact information for Amanda Vavra can be found here.

The application deadline is 4 pm on November 22, so interested businesses are encouraged to submit their applications in a timely manner.

Grant Usage

The Grow Seneca funds can be utilized for various purposes that directly contribute to the growth and success of the small businesses. Eligible expenses include machinery and equipment, furniture and fixtures, marketing, inventory, rent or security deposits, utilities, and other operating costs. Additionally, the funds can be used for construction, renovation, or improvement of buildings. Moreover, businesses can seek reimbursement for the cost of participating in the mandatory small business training program, which is offered by the Onondaga Small Business Development Center.

Administration and Oversight

To ensure a fair and transparent process, a Grow Seneca committee has been established. This committee is responsible for reviewing applications, awarding grants, and administering the program. By dedicating specific personnel and resources to oversee the initiative, the county guarantees that the program operates efficiently and achieves its intended goals.

Why Support Small Businesses?

Small businesses play a vital role in the economic development and overall well-being of a community. They often serve as the backbone of the local economy, creating jobs, fostering innovation, and contributing to the growth of the region as a whole. By offering financial support and resources to small businesses, initiatives like Grow Seneca can have a profound and long-lasting impact on the community.

Unique Insights and Perspectives

While the Grow Seneca initiative provides significant support to small businesses, it is crucial to recognize the broader implications and benefits that can arise from such programs. Here are a few unique insights and perspectives to further enrich the understanding of this initiative:

1. Economic Multiplier Effect

Supporting small businesses not only benefits the individual enterprises but also creates a ripple effect throughout the local economy. When small businesses thrive, they are more likely to purchase goods and services from other local businesses, creating a positive cycle of economic growth and stability. By investing in small businesses, Grow Seneca is indirectly nurturing the entire business ecosystem in Seneca County.

2. Community Engagement and Empowerment

Small businesses often have strong ties to their communities. They are more likely to participate in community events, support local charities, and contribute to various social causes. By supporting these businesses, Grow Seneca is fostering a sense of community engagement and empowerment. Additionally, the grants provided by the initiative allow these businesses to expand their operations, hire more local residents, and contribute further to the overall well-being of the community.

3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Small businesses are often at the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship. They have the flexibility and agility to adapt to changing market demands and experiment with new ideas. By channeling resources towards these businesses, Grow Seneca is fueling the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship in Seneca County. This, in turn, can attract more businesses, investors, and talent to the area, further enhancing its economic prospects.

4. Building a Resilient Local Economy

Diversifying the local economy is essential for long-term stability and resilience. By supporting a wide range of small businesses, Grow Seneca is contributing to a more diverse and robust economic landscape in Seneca County. This diversity can act as a buffer against economic downturns, ensuring that the region can weather storms and emerge stronger. The grants provided by Grow Seneca can help businesses expand into new markets, diversify their offerings, or invest in emerging industries.

5. Addressing Challenges and Bridging Gaps

Small businesses often face unique challenges, such as limited access to capital, lack of resources, or a competitive disadvantage against larger corporations. Grow Seneca aims to bridge these gaps by providing much-needed financial support, resources, and training opportunities. In doing so, the initiative levels the playing field for small businesses and enables them to compete effectively in the market.


The Grow Seneca initiative in Seneca County is a bold and commendable effort to support small businesses and drive economic growth. By providing $10,000 grants to eligible businesses, the initiative aims to empower entrepreneurs, diversify the local economy, and create employment opportunities for the residents of Seneca County. Through the grant program, businesses can access funds to invest in machinery, equipment, marketing, and other essential areas. The importance of supporting small businesses cannot be overstated, as they serve as the backbone of the local economy while fostering innovation and community engagement.

Furthermore, the unique insights and perspectives discussed shed light on the broader benefits of programs like Grow Seneca. These initiatives have the potential to create a multiplier effect, engage the community, foster entrepreneurship, build resilience, and address challenges faced by small businesses. By embracing and strengthening the small business sector, Seneca County is positioning itself for sustained economic prosperity and a vibrant local business landscape.


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WATERLOO — Existing or new small businesses with 25 or fewer employees may be eligible to receive $10,000 grants from Seneca County.

The Board of Supervisors has allocated $500,000 of its $1.6 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to the Grow Seneca initiative to act as a catalyst for economic development.

The maximum grant for a new or existing business is $10,000.

“By establishing the Grow Seneca grant program, the county aims to assist small businesses, diversify the local economy, encourage economic growth and expansion, and increase employment opportunities for Seneca County residents,” said the board chairman Mike Enslow, R-Waterloo. “Small businesses are the economic backbone of the county and we owe them all the support we can.”

A Grow Seneca committee has been formed to consider applications, award grants and administer the program. Applications and program guidelines and criteria can be obtained and downloaded from Applicants who would like a paper copy may contact Board Secretary Amanda Vavra at 315-539-1700 and request that the application material be mailed to them. Vavra can also be contacted at

Applications will be accepted until 4 pm on November 22.

Nonprofit entities are not eligible for the program.

Existing businesses must comply with 14 program guidelines. For-profit businesses must have 25 or fewer employees as of December 31, 2022, and the business must have annual gross receipts of $1 million or less in fiscal year 2022.

Startups must meet 10 criteria, including a commitment to create at least one full-time job.

Grow Seneca funds can be used for machinery and equipment, furniture and fixtures, marketing, inventory, rent or security deposits, utilities and other operating costs; construction, renovation or improvement of buildings, reimbursement of the cost of participating in the mandatory small business training program. Applicants must complete a small business training course offered by the Onondaga Small Business Development Center.

Applications will be scored on a point basis and will require detailed documentation of grant uses, with repayment required if the business defaults within five years of receiving the grant.
