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Global Chamber of Business calls for more sensitivity to women and health (…)

It’s not exactly a secret that women’s health and reproductive issues aren’t always treated compassionately in the workplace.

As the world recognizes the International Day of Action for Women’s Health today, the Global Chamber of Business Leaders (GCBL) stands with women, citing that in these modern times, more attention and focused solutions are needed for women. the structure of labor policies. and guidelines on the subject.

Graciela De Oto, Senior Advisor – Human Rights and Co-Chair of the GCBL Committee of Business and Professional Women, lent her voice to the global call.

When it comes to the seemingly slow progress of more compassion being expressed by senior managers and the intentional steps they are taking regarding specific health issues related to women in the workplace, De Oto exposed the problem. De Oto said, “The kingdom of the woman

reproductive and gynecological health often gets wrapped up in low, vague conversations

references These crucial issues are often dismissed as mere women’s issues, perpetuating a

dismissive attitude. It is imperative that we challenge this perspective and work to eliminate

taboos in the workplace associated with specific conditions of women”.

He continued: “When employers fail to provide support, women with gynecological conditions may

they struggle to fulfill their professional potential, which has detrimental effects on their mental well-being.

Unfortunately, many women with these conditions are reluctant to approach their employers and seek

support, particularly if your manager is a man. They fear a lack of understanding regarding the singularity

specific health needs of women. To overcome this barrier, it is crucial that working women feel

empowered to seek support. One way to accomplish this is to choose an employer that demonstrates a

commitment to implement comprehensive health-related policies and encourage open dialogue.

“My ideal solution would be to promote awareness and education. Fostering a culture of

understanding and empathy through training programs and workshops, managers can gain knowledge

about women’s health issues and develop a supportive approach. In addition, the implementation of policies

that address the unique challenges women face, such as flexible work arrangements and

maternity leave, you can further demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of women.”

On the question of whether you would recommend a specific policy or area of ​​law reform to bring about a change in

selected areas of women’s health, commented: “Advocate for comprehensive coverage of

reproductive health services, including contraception, family planning, and maternal health care, is a

specific political idea that can bring about positive change in women’s health care. This recommendation is intended

to ensure that all women have affordable and accessible reproductive health care, regardless of their

socioeconomic status or insurance coverage. By addressing existing disparities and barriers, this

policy promotes equal access to essential reproductive health services.

“In addition, accommodations must be made for women experiencing reproductive health issues

challenges This may involve provisions for menstrual leave, reasonable accommodation for women with

chronic reproductive diseases and menopausal symptom support. By recognizing and addressing

these specific needs, organizations can create a supportive and inclusive environment. These

accommodations contribute to promoting gender equality and general well-being”.

“By championing these policy ideas and advocating for their implementation, GCBL Business and

The Professional Women’s Committee can play a vital role in driving positive change in women’s lives.

health care. These recommendations are intended to improve access, affordability, and quality of reproductive services.

health services, empowering women to make informed decisions about their bodies.

Based on observations and personal conversations, De Oto stressed that “Human Resources

Male staff and senior executives may lack understanding or awareness when it comes to acquisitions.

special policies for women related to female challenges or natural biological phenomena. this lack

of understanding can result in a lack of recognition of the importance of implementing

policies May come from a combination of limited exposure to these issues, societal biases, and lack of

of empathy These social attitudes can create an environment in which to discuss or address

female challenges become awkward or are seen as unnecessary. Gender bias may also play a role

in shaping the mindset of HR staff and male executives. Unconscious biases or stereotypes about

Women’s skills, commitment, or productivity during certain biological events may influence

decision-making on special policies”.

“This can lead to the perception that adapting to these challenges can have a negative impact on work.

performance. However, I have also witnessed positive cases where HR staff and executives

actively sought to understand and accommodate these concerns, leading to the development of more

compassionate policies. They understand that addressing natural feminine and biological challenges

happenings through special policies can improve employee well-being, productivity and general well-being.

organizational success. It is worth noting that attitudes and mindsets can vary greatly between

individuals and organizations may differ in their approaches. Raise awareness, promote

Diversity in leadership roles and fostering open dialogue about women’s health can contribute to

changing mentalities and promoting the contracting of special policies”.

What about the possibility of offering women a Special Leave, which would be additional to the Holidays?

Leave, national holidays, regular sick leave? Would it have the potential to negatively impact the

general attendance of women and general presence of staff at any time in an organization? Autumn

said: “The introduction of special leave for women affected by conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome,

menopause, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and other related health problems is an issue that involves

various perspectives and considerations. While it is important to recognize potential concerns,

it is also crucial to assess the potential impact on attendance and overall staff presence.

The implementation of Special Leave for these health conditions can help foster a supportive and inclusive environment.

work culture. Shows that the organization understands and adapts to the specific needs of

its female employees, promoting gender equality and general employee morale. however it is

It is important to balance the needs of individual employees with the operational requirements of the organization.


“Policies and guidelines must be established to ensure that the provision of special leave is fair,

transparent and does not lead to abuse or negative impacts on overall staffing. This may include of course

eligibility criteria, adequate documentation and appropriate communication channels. Considering

these factors and by implementing thoughtful policies, organizations can create an environment that

supports the health and well-being of its employees while maintaining

assistance and presence of staff.

“Support for women’s health and well-being by organizations can empower female employees in

Several ways. Access to comprehensive health services, including reproductive health, maternity

Support, mental health resources and preventative care ensure that women can prioritize their health.

and address any concerns. This, in turn, allows them to perform at their best and thrive in their

professional functions”.

“By implementing policies that support work-life balance, such as flexible work arrangements,

maternity leave, childcare assistance and family-friendly policies, organizations demonstrate a

commitment to support the well-being of women. This empowers female employees to effectively

manage their personal and professional responsibilities, reducing stress and improving work

satisfaction. Organizations that promote gender equality and equal opportunities create an environment

where women feel valued and respected. When women have equal conditions in the workplace, it is

encourages them to contribute to their full potential. In addition, a supportive work culture free of

discrimination, harassment and bias, empowers female employees to thrive. This involves

fostering open communication.

“In general, the support for the health and well-being of women by organizations goes beyond legal compliance

obligations Creates an empowering environment where female employees can thrive both

personally and professionally and reap the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce; increase

employee retention can be achieved; and improve the overall performance of the organization can be



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