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“Good parenting”

“Good parenting”


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37 thoughts on ““Good parenting””

  1. 1- their talking about older kids- and their talking about gender identity not being a fucking mermaid

    2- i really liked your channel up until now, your a transphobic asshole.

  2. Half agree. Definitely need to deal with kids nowadays trying and doing things purely because it's trendy, cool, etc., especially with just how much reach the Internet has nowadays and how much more online kids are. That being said, I wouldn't say to mostly discount what kids say in regards to everything from gender to mental health concerns or otherwise. Be conscious of it, but don't just immediately jump to say "yeah you're right"

  3. My son (almost 6yo) loves to be a stinker and mess with people. One of his favorite bits is to tell me (mom) that I am daddy and daddy is mommy. Or he'll claim that I am boy and he is a girl.
    He does this with the quintessential mischievous gleam in his eye and the laughter of a child who knows they are hilarious. And then, when I tell him in OH SO SERIOUS tones "*sigh* oh dear, I think you are confused." He laughs even louder because he knows he tricked me so good that I think he is being serious.

    But, now it seems that perhaps I have been erong this whole time, and my poor child has been desperately trying to tell me something that I, in my blind ignorance, have mistaken as play. Thank you, Peggy, forcopenijg my eyes to the egregious injustice I have been doing to my precious child. I just cannot imagine the harm I could have done had I continued down that road of ignorance and denial. Thank you, thank you! So very much!

  4. I had asshole parents who preferred to chalk my serious needs up to childhood fantasy too. People who use children to get a narcissistic high, like you, are still horrible people in this generation. If you are here to tell me that's good parenting, that's all I need to know.

    I pray for your kids.

  5. i think you're approaching it wrong, you're approaching it like it's a fase they'll grow out of if you disuade them properly from it, but in a lot of cases that's not how it is, they won't 'change their minds' cause it's who they are as people, like how one can't just stop being gay, people are just like that, eventually as an adult they'll realise that. Now this isn't to say everyone is set on this, certainly some are just going question it and realise they are mentally what they are physically, but not everyone will, for sure don't just blanket agree immediately based on nothing, but don't just throw away their claims either because they're young

  6. My son was completely convinced that he was a wolf when he was younger. We supported it with costumes and pretended to be afraid of his roars and other antics. With time he moved out of that phase BUT NEVER would we would’ve considered leaving him in the wild or feeding him table scraps or consulting a professional to help him ‘transition’ …. PARENTS should foster a child’s imagination/creativity while it’s still cute and fun and innocent, but there’s a line that needs to be drawn IMO.

  7. One day, while I was a child fishing with my father, I told him that I wanted to be an Orca. He laughed and said, "when you jump in this lake, and come back to me with a fish, We'll talk."

  8. While kindness and compassion goes a long way young children need structure. They learn through consequences. Good parent can find the balance between support and discipline.

  9. My daughter said "mommy put her finger in my bottom and when I told her it hurt, she pushed her finger in further" while pointing to her vagina. Minneapolis says it's not a big deal because it only happened once. Investigators Shawn Woods, Lt Hamilton, Commander Sands.

  10. My trans friend told me that kids are kids and don't truly know what they want until they become adults. We need to elevate trans ppl who speak sense like my friend.

  11. "Dad, im gay."
    "Gay is a fantasy."

    "Dad, i like wearing dresses."
    "Tahts an impossible dream, drop it."

    "Dad, im converting to Islam."
    "Islam aint real, son, its a fairytale."

    Yeaaa… Great show. Great tactic. Great support.

    Now, dont get me wrong, the debate about identity politics is huge and complex, with that comes Stupid and Extreme in some cases.

    But it is certainly a debate worth having, and a bag of problems on both ends worth hammering out.

    Not be ignored.

  12. This "Gouvernor" is so irresponsible…
    When i was young i was hella confused… i didn't feel like i was blending with others boys… and did better with girls… i told myself countless times "i wish i was born a girl it would all be so easier"… turns out i was just gay and as of today… i would change my sex for nothing in this world.
    To know that if i was born in today's era… they would have instantly fed me pills.. puberty blockers.. and planned operations for me…

    No permanent change until you mature enough to take thoses decisions… that's just some… logic ? i guess ?

  13. When my brother was 4, he decided he was a puppy. He ate his food with his plate on the floor, had a box that he added a bunch of blankets and pillows to, to sleep in, and would ask for pats on the head. After a very patient month, my mom said he couldn't be a puppy anymore because he was a little boy; and guess what, he stopped.

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