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GPT-4 Just Changed How We Play Minecraft

Would artificial intelligence beat Minecraft how we do? In this video, I beat the game using ChatGPT. With access to unlimited …

31 thoughts on “GPT-4 Just Changed How We Play Minecraft”

  1. Chat GPT is limited to information from 2021 so that's why it doesn't achknowledge or know information about the newer updates. Such as not knowing that endermans spawn in the nether or trading with piglins. In 2021 those updates weren't released yet.

  2. You shoudlve played the same version as the time chat gpt is limited to, which is september 2021, I think it would've been a better experience (1.17.1)

  3. "My @ss cheeks are clenched so f*cking tight rn… you can put a piece of coal in there and I'll make diamonds myself MY GOD!" I have never laughed harder in my entire life 💀💀💀💀💀💀

  4. You'll get more interesting results by treating ChatGPT like a person than like a fact resource. For instance asking it to envision itself playing the game, asking it to act as though it's a person and make decisions based on the information about the game world you give it, clarifying information it's wrong about. It may tell you endermen don't spawn in the nether, but its definitely smart enough that if you correct it it will understand and then make decisions in the future based on that clarification. Aka you can TEACH it that endermen are in the nether

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