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Grandparenting a Child with Autism: How to Be a Supportive Grandparent

Dr. Mary Barbera discusses making a difference as a grandparent for grandparenting a child with autism. Follow these tips and …


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6 thoughts on “Grandparenting a Child with Autism: How to Be a Supportive Grandparent”

  1. I’m a grandma of a grandson who is on the autism spectrum high functioning. I homeschool him and also keep him because my daughter has to work. He gives great joy to my husband and I. But it’s not easy and there are days I have went to the bathroom and cried then came out and we carried on. I’m not sure if I’m doing everything perfect in his schooling but I’ve studied a lot about homeschooling an autistic child and try to do all that I feel is needed. He has therapy 2 days a week and those days we just do reviewing and we do full schooling the other 3 days. As tired as I get sometimes I still wouldn’t change anything and I’m privileged to be a part of in his life😍.

  2. Im 66 years old and my grandson Luke is 4 years old. He has autism and nonverbal. My daughter has to work so I getting him to his preschool and taking him to speech therapy. It is very exhausting because he runs and runs and runs!!!!!!!! I have to Chase him because he does not respond to commands to stop. It's hard to keep him safe

  3. Now that we are in this covid 19, quarantine, I havn't seen my grandson in over 4 months. I was taking care of him weekly. I am afraid that he will forget me, he is now 6 years old, non verbal. It makes me sad not to care for him.

  4. My parents are dead and my inlaws have no interest in my 7 yr old son. They never ask anything about him, how schooling…..nothing. They also have never done anything with my son. They do stuff with all the other grandkids, take them to the zoo, go get Ice-cream, to the movies etc BUT not once done anything worh him. It's heartbreaking and my husband won't bring it up with them either. 💔

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