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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: The Facts

You aren’t alone if you are raising your grandchildren. We are here to help.


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27 thoughts on “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: The Facts”

  1. How about people like me? I'm an old single man who is retired. I'm raising two of my grand nieces. 7 and 13. I've been doing it for 3 years now. My home is the only stable home they've known. I tell the older one that I'm sorry the cards she was dealt in life and has only me. The younger doesn't know the difference yet. I'm tired. Very tired. I can't do the things with them that younger parents could do with them. I just hope I live long enough to get them grown up and living on their own. And I hope that they don't become bitter at life because they didn't have a two parent house hold to grow up in.

  2. Was raised by my grandparents from the ages 6 and up. My grandmother was great but my grandpa was a turd and it’s easy to see how my dad ended up a complete fuck up.

  3. So thankful for these groups.My husband and I have been raising our grandchildren for 15 years now.The oldest will be 15 next month.The other 3 we just recently welcomed full time into our home.They will be with us indefinitely..I still hold a glimmer of hope that my daughter will get her life together long enough to raise her children but for the time being until that day comes, I will do everything I can to keep them safe ,happy, stable ,loved and show them how to be strong young independent people and a contribution to society. The oldest daughter we actually adopted when she was 2 yrs of age after many hearings and opportunities for my daughter her mom to make changes in her life.That never happened because now not only did she get mixed up with someone who really had no idea what goes into a marriage nevermind raising children but he also tried to kill my daughter with the oldest of the 3 right behind her.This breaks my heart because this little precious life never asked for any trouble.She is an innocent child.So while we are grateful to be here and take care of them, I also want to be around to reap the rewards later on in life to see them actually graduate from high school, go to college and be strong independent people …Thank you for this group…The ages of the 3 younger ones are 6 4 and 2….long road ahead..but so willing..Under the poverty level but God makes a way every time….We want for nothing and no , we refused to become Foster grandparents..I don't want money from the state to take care of my own blood..Thats hideous to me.If I have to I will get myself a part time job…I haven't had to do that as yet but if the time comes I will do what I have to

  4. I am one of them. I have been raising my grandson for 2 yrs now. The majority of us get our grandbabies who are "broken". Trauma, neglect, abuse, and so many addicted to drugs. This isn't "normal" parenting. It is truly a life-changing experience and it isn't for the faint of heart. We have stepped up to protect and keep our precious grandchildren safe. We do this because of the love in our hearts. Yet, we too, have broken hearts knowing what these little lives have been through and suffered. So many of us have been in court more times than we can count. We have been put under the microscope to make sure we are "parenting" material. Honestly, there is very little support for us, except from each other. To the other Grands being a "Grand" Parent, I applaud you.

  5. I am one of them. I try to find different activities to do with them that is not physically draining yet fun. One of their favorites activities is reading. They love when I read them 'Ratman and Robin: The Attack of Catman and the Meows', they get so excited and keep asking me for a Ratman. Its just one of those things I love to do with them.

  6. When the video mentioned that the grandparents had to put aside things like vacations and spending time with friends, etc, I realized that I never thought of this before. Both of my parents lived close by, but my maternal grandparents raised me since my birth. My mother was in the home during my early years, but not for very long. I only have pictures with her, no memories of her living in the same home.
    My grandmother died when I was 13. My mother is getting older, and has never housed me for longer than a summer break. She's free to do whatver. My grandmother didn't have that. My mother never gave her a break. She was doubly selfish.

  7. I was raised by my grandparents and I have trust issues. I grew up without mother, she left me with her parents. I have hard times to open up and trust. Only when closing in for my 30s, I have started to tell people about what I feel, instead of keeping it in and then blowing up like mad over others. I tell my wishes and feelings in a respectful way now, instead of hitting, throwing things, yelling, using silent treatment. My grandpa was a kind man, my grandmother was and still is a manipulator, never satisfied. She never talked with me about my feelings or how to acknowledge them and express them in a respectful way.
    When I was angry, she thought that I am restive and spanked me or yelled at me instead of talking with me, sometimes she tried to give me light sedatives, because they were ''nerve medicines''. Whatever I did, was never good enough. Now my grandma has dementia, and I am an adult, now I do not care what she says or that she is not satisfied, I ignore her mostly. I strongly dislike my grandmother. Yes, I was well fed, had roof over my head, got school supplies and clothes enough, but I did not feel any love or warmth. My grades came over my feelings, grades were more important than how I felt about everything.
    I remember one time she convinced my classmate to watch me at school then tell her what I am doing at school, so she can scold me about my wrongdoings.

  8. My grandparents raised me and all I can say is THANK GOD, I had the best childhood, home cooked meals daily they would go to all my school functions and they showed me all the love. Growing up with there love and support I felt confident and that I can do whatever I wanted to do in this life……My grandfather was an immigrant and came to this country and opened up a mechanic shop (he worked his butt off) unfortunately he fell into kidney failure and was severely sick and then him and my grandmother became poor, they were poor raising but I had no idea I was poor because they never made me feel sorry for myself. …i just wanted to share this.😊

  9. I've been raising mine for 6 months. She's 15 months old and this is beginning to look permanent. I lost my home I was living in because my now ex boyfriend decided he didn't want the baby there so I temporarily moved in with my dad. Things are looking up now though I found an affordable apartment for us. Me my grandbaby and my youngest daughter. I am estranged from the baby's mom my oldest daughter who is in active addiction

  10. I was 12 when my grandparents went to America from India to visit us for thanksgiving break. My parents died in a car crash that thanksgiving night. Ever since, my grandparents have been raising me and my older brother. It’s been hard for the whole family, since my great grandmother was still in India and it’s hard for her to travel, but we can’t just leave her there. She eventually moved to America to live with us, as well as everyone who lived in that house. I’m 16 now, and I still haven’t recovered. I can’t even remember the last time I wasn’t crying myself to sleep. But I’m so grateful for my grandparents, my great grandmother, and everyone else who set aside their whole life in India just to make sure me and my brother could still be happy. I could not ask for better relatives.

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