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Groundbreaking Discovery: Unveiling the Promising Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease – it’s an Ultra-Small Molecule!

Additional Piece: Understanding the Role of microRNA-132 in Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction: A New Study Uncovers the Significance of microRNA-132

A recent study conducted by the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain and Disease Research has shed light on the potential role of a small molecule called microRNA-132 in Alzheimer’s disease. This molecule, despite its small size, has been found to have a significant impact on various brain cells and may influence the development and progression of this debilitating neurodegenerative disease. In this article, we delve deeper into the study’s findings and explore the implications of microRNA-132 in the context of Alzheimer’s disease.

Exploring the Functions of microRNA-132 and Its Dysregulation in Alzheimer’s Disease

microRNA-132 is a non-coding RNA molecule that does not directly code for proteins but instead plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression. By binding to RNA, microRNA-132 can influence the expression of genes and proteins, making it a potentially important factor in various diseases, including Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s patients commonly exhibit disrupted microRNA profiles, specifically a significant decrease in microRNA-132 levels. This observation has prompted researchers to investigate whether this molecule’s decrease is coincidental or if it plays a genuine role in the disease. Previous studies in mouse models have demonstrated that increased levels of microRNA-132 can lead to the generation of new brain cells and improved memory in mice. This suggests that microRNA-132 may hold promise as a therapeutic target in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Understanding the Mechanisms and Effects of microRNA-132 in Alzheimer’s Disease

While much research has focused on the amyloid protein as the primary cause of Alzheimer’s disease, recent studies have also highlighted the involvement of another protein called tau and neuroinflammation. Interestingly, microRNA-132 has shown positive effects on amyloid and tau pathologies in mice, suggesting its potential in targeting multiple pathological aspects of Alzheimer’s.

To understand the effects of microRNA-132 on different cell types, a team of researchers led by Evgenia Salta conducted a study manipulating microRNA-132 levels in a mouse model. They utilized a technique called single-cell RNA sequencing to analyze the genes that changed in each type of brain cell. This groundbreaking research has revealed that microRNA-132 performs several functions not only in neurons but also in microglia, the immune cells of the brain. Given the emerging evidence of the involvement of neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s, this finding holds significant implications for our understanding of the disease.

Uncovering the Potential of microRNA-132 in Neuroinflammation and Cell State Changes

The researchers discovered that increasing microRNA-132 levels in microglia can lead to a shift from a disease-associated state to a more balanced homeostatic state. This observation was consistent across both mouse brain and human cell lines. However, it is essential to note that the implications of this change in cell state are still not fully understood and require further investigation through follow-up experiments. Researchers hypothesize that the disease-associated state may initially aid cell clearance during the early stages of Alzheimer’s but becomes excessive later in life, potentially leading to the death of healthy cells. It is crucial to exercise caution in drawing conclusions until more extensive research is conducted.

microRNA-132’s Role in Alzheimer’s: Expanding the Scope

One of the key takeaways from this study is that microRNA-132 not only plays a role in neurons but also influences microglia and potentially impacts neuroinflammation. This finding is particularly significant in the context of Alzheimer’s disease, where neuroinflammation has emerged as an important contributing factor. The next phase of research involves examining whether the increase of microRNA-132 in neurons and microglia in a model Alzheimer’s mouse has any tangible effect. Additionally, further testing using Alzheimer’s cell lines will provide insights into how microRNA-132 may influence the disease in a more relevant human cellular context.


The findings from the study conducted by the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain and Disease Research highlight the potential role of microRNA-132 in Alzheimer’s disease. As research progresses, our understanding of this molecule’s functions and its implications in neuroinflammation and cell state changes continues to expand. Ultimately, the goal is to leverage microRNA-132 as a therapeutic strategy in Alzheimer’s patients, potentially offering a new avenue for treatment. This exciting breakthrough not only advances our knowledge of Alzheimer’s disease but also opens doors for exploring the potential roles of microRNAs in other neurodegenerative diseases. As further research unfolds, we may one day witness the translation of these findings into clinical applications, bringing hope to individuals affected by these devastating conditions.


A recent study conducted by the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain and Disease Research has explored the impact of microRNA-132 on different brain cells and its potential role in Alzheimer’s disease. The study revealed that microRNA-132, despite being small in size, can significantly influence gene expression and may hold promise as a therapeutic target. The research also highlighted the effects of microRNA-132 on cell state changes and the involvement of neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease. Further investigations are needed to fully understand the mechanisms and potential benefits of increasing microRNA-132 levels in Alzheimer’s patients. This breakthrough discovery opens up new avenues for research in neurodegenerative diseases and offers hope for finding innovative treatments in the future.


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A new study of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain and Disease Research shows that a very small molecule called microRNA-132 can have a significant impact on different brain cells and may play a role in Alzheimer’s disease.

RNA is a molecule that, like DNA, consists of a series of linked building blocks. For a long time it was thought that RNA only served as a messenger and copy of DNA, allowing the translation of DNA into proteins. However, there are also RNA fragments that do not code for proteins. MicroRNAs are an example of these non-coding RNA molecules. Despite being small in size, they may have an important function: they can bind to RNA and thus influence the expression of genes and proteins. In many different diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, microRNAs are often dysregulated.

Alzheimer’s patients often exhibit disrupted and altered microRNA profiles, particularly a significant decrease in microRNA-132. But does this molecule really play a role in the disease, or is this decrease just coincidental? Previous studies in mouse models have shown that increased levels of microRNA-132 resulted in the generation of new brain cells and improved memory in the mice. While many researchers believe that the amyloid protein is the main cause of Alzheimer’s disease, another protein called tau and inflammation also appear to play a role. MicroRNA-132 has shown a positive effect on amyloid and tau pathologies in mice. However, the exact mechanisms are still unknown.

Effect of microRNA-132 on different cell types

Researchers Hannah Walgrave, Amber Penning, Sarah Snoeck, Giorgia Tosoni and their team, led by Evgenia Salta (in collaboration with Bart De strooper’s group at KU Leuven-VIB, Belgium) investigated the effects of microRNA-132 on different types of cells. . They manipulated the levels of microRNA-132 in a mouse model by turning them up and down. They then used a special technique called single-cell RNA sequencing to examine the genes that changed in each type of brain cell.

Amber Penning: “A microRNA can have numerous targets, which makes it interesting for diseases with multiple pathological aspects. However, this also makes it difficult to study because how do you find those targets? We know that microRNA-132 performs several functions in neurons, but surprisingly, we found that this microRNA also plays a role in microglia, the immune cells of the brain. This is interesting in the case of Alzheimer’s because we think neuroinflammation plays an important role.”

Changes in cell state

“When we increased microRNA-132 in these microglia, we observed a shift from a disease-associated state to a more balanced homeostatic state. We see this result in both mouse brain and human cell lines. However, whether this change whether positive or negative requires further investigation through follow-up experiments.There are different theories suggesting that this disease-associated state may initially aid cell clearance during the early stages of the disease, but becomes excessive later in life. late, leading to the death of healthy cells. We still need to determine how beneficial it is for cells to become more homeostatic. Therefore, we must be cautious in drawing conclusions.”

“The most important aspect of this study is to demonstrate that microRNA-132 also plays a role in microglia and may influence neuroinflammation. The next step is to examine whether the increase of microRNA-132 in neurons and microglia in a model Alzheimer’s mouse cells have any real effect. The same is true of the human cell lines we used. In this research, we only used a healthy control cell line, but we will do further testing on Alzheimer’s cell lines to see if there is any effect.” .

Finish line

“The ultimate goal would be to increase microRNA-132 in Alzheimer’s patients as a therapeutic strategy. Currently, we are using viruses (containing the microRNA) in Alzheimer’s mice that can be injected intravenously, directly into the veins. This makes it will be easier to eventually translate this strategy into the clinic, since we are using a virus that, in theory, can also be injected into an arm.In addition to Alzheimer’s, there are other neurodegenerative diseases that have a decrease in the same microRNA.Therefore, These results may also be relevant to other diseases.”