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Hacked ChatGPT Accounts Are Being Sold On the Dark Web

In this video I discuss how hacked ChatGPT accounts were hacked on the DarkWeb and the implications of this hack from the loss …

28 thoughts on “Hacked ChatGPT Accounts Are Being Sold On the Dark Web”

  1. "Still teaching the dewey decimal system in school"
    Wait what?
    I went to school in the early 90s and I did not even hear of that system until university.

  2. These things have a proven track record of blatantly making things up. I could see getting information from this thing and then verifying that it wasn't lying, but just assuming this is some infallible deity in a can and running on that assumption seems so so stupid.
    And assuming that this thing that gets better with more data isn't going to just record everything you say for potential use in future datasets?
    Do these people think this stuff is just actually magic?

  3. that hacker clip you showed with all those command prompts thats how it feels to install apps on Linux typing in all of those commands just to get a app to work its not 80s more

  4. You have to pay to use ChatGPT? I don't.
    Then again I don't use it for much, I usually ask it stupid philosophical questions, or to generate nonsense poetry. Whenever I have asked it something related to my technical field, it gets it wrong 25% of the time.

  5. Chat GPT has many times failed to solve basic equations, often just makes shit up to avoid disagreeing with you, and it is often just flat out wrong in what it says. People forget that it is just a language AI. Artificial "intelligence" doesn't exist, this thing just makes out what it can from the input you give it and it will try to give you an answer that makes sense, that's it.

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