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Hamam Mother’s Safety Force – Social Parenting For A Better Tomorrow

Hamam believes that if all mothers were to look at any child in need as their own, we will groom a better and safer tomorrow. Join the movement at #GoSafeOutside


32 thoughts on “Hamam Mother’s Safety Force – Social Parenting For A Better Tomorrow”

  1. Whenever i see a girl carrying an umbrella i remember the treatment i got in college days. My MBA batchmate taught me a painful lesson for teasing her. I always used to pull her hair. Once i pulled her hair hard as i always used to. She never used to get angry but that day got wild at me. Unfortunately for me that day she was having a long fat umbrella with a long n sharp tip at the end. She started chasing me wildly. I tried to escape but i slipped a bit and had to stop running to regain my balance. She caught me and gave me one hard whack on my bum with her umbrella. The sharp edge of the umbrella pierced my bum royally. I couldnt sit for two days. Kept rubbing my bum till i reached home. After that day i don't think i teased girls and women.

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