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Have Red Bull ‘BROKEN’ Checo?! | MID-SEASON review! | Sky Sports F1 Podcast

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43 thoughts on “Have Red Bull ‘BROKEN’ Checo?! | MID-SEASON review! | Sky Sports F1 Podcast”

  1. 40:00 Come on Crofty.
    Getting rid of the cost cap is not the answer.
    As a Mercedes fan, I now know they were threw tons of money for the development of the 2020 car after Ferrari came with a rocketship in 2019. How i feel about that is not relevant.
    But this is how teams have become broke, bankrupt or heavily in debt like McLaren did.
    I have faith that the cost cap rules will be updated just like everything else in F1 and hopefully it gets better.

  2. Qualifying has been the best part of this season, the cars are spectacular and there is genuine tension.

    Biggest disappointment for me this year is the lack of strategy battles in the races It feels like a race is going to develop then they cruise to half distance on a set of softs!

    I used to enjoy the mid field battles 2006-2021 but since 22 it doesn't have the same significance for me, don't know why.

  3. The first half of the podcast was a bit lame tbh. The amount of gaslighting from everyone was ridiculous. F1 isn’t boring, but this season is. No one cares to see Mercedes, Ferrari, McLaren & AM fighting over best of the rest. The midfield is exciting when you have teams like Williams who don’t belong there, putting themselves in the fight, otherwise it’s just the normal cars in their normal positions. Watching Max win is boring, he doesn’t even win in style. At least Schumacher, Lewis and Seb had personality when winning. Max has the charisma of boiled chicken.

    If the championship was about qualifying, then yeah it would be exciting because it’s so close, but the races? Snooze fests

  4. Crazy how all these new sky f1 presenters have no clue about what’s actually going on in effect Perez was upto some buisness after Monaco and has been dealing with family concerns

  5. Why would Redbull want anyone other than Checo? The talk about Redbull replacing Perez is absurd. He's 2nd in the championship, won 2 races, help the team to the historic consecutive race wins, bunch of podiums, two podiums in a row, 2nd in the last race…..Redbull arent stupid. Checo is giving them exactly what they want.

  6. Where are the facts, dates, who said what that are quotable? As a F1 fan I would like to find a media outlet that is open, honest, unbiased with accurate informative information. There are ten teams and 20 + drivers who all deserve respect and equal coverage.

  7. Redbull needed to build a buffer between their drivers once they knew they had a car that completely dominated the grid. They chose Max and made it so that Max’s car was setup perfectly. It is interesting how Max car is setup perfectly and Checo forgot how to drive when they where so close. In Spa, checo was maintaining his lead until the first pit stop and suddenly Checo dropped like a rock. What, he forgot how to drive and Max was .7 seconds faster per lap? It’s just obvious what’s happening.

  8. Karun is spot on. Double the overspend is applied to reduce the cap for next season. If there are redundancies it seems they can be re-employed on higher salaries outside F1 (eg aerospace (ref D Croft)) and good on them. The team penalised soon finds it has to play by the rules.

  9. You all are a biased bunch, even if you wanted to you biased bunch, you couldn't, wouldn't be able to give a objective opinion about F1 thru your british racing green colored sunglasses and typical english chauvinism.
    You bunch and with you a lot of people you influence, are missing out on one of The Greatest Times in Formula One 'Ever' and you bunch are talking about; forget the first 3 places and look only at the midfield ( just one example but your whole podcast was like that). Get your heads out of the British racing green buckets of manure and please for all those fans who turn to you ( I don't know why) for there F1 news and "opinions" , you are missinforming them, and therefore you make them missing out One Of The Greatest Times in Formule 1 ever. And you know I'm right but and I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to change even if you wanted to BECAUSE YOU BUNCH YOU ARE BRITISH CHAUVINISM and that's the most stubborn chauvinism IN THE WORLD ( quote Jeremy Clarkson😂). good luck greetings from a F1 fan.

  10. why we think watching Verstappen winning is boring! The same (not exactly) happened in all eras of F1, and it's history. so we should be happy that we are seeing the history repeating itself! It's amazing to be part of it and then you can tell younger generation that I was there. I saw it.

  11. 35:45 – Crofty absolutely smashing the nail on the head here. The cost cap is a good thing, but the FIA need to have a serious think about this otherwise the teams will not be able to recruit high quality personnell, because the salaries will be so uncompetitive, that all of the very clever people go elsewhere. This was certainly an issue when I was trying to negotiate salary, and I hear this echoed through friends throughout the paddock. The cost cap can still be effective at controlling development, but the personnell are required to do more, and there aren't even provisions in the cost cap for dealing with inflation re: salaries. Wild.

  12. Ooh I love Toni! Watched the EngineBraking pod with her on it and she brought so many different perspectives in the convo that I never thought of

    Edit: just finished, and I realized I enjoy listening to her when she’s not under such time constraints. Because she goes on tangents in true adhd flair and brain dumps in chaotically and passionate way.

    But that’s how I like my F1 podcasts: no cramming or cutting what you want to say just because you’re trying to make it within an hour.

    Depending on what’s been going on, sometimes it’ll take 3 hours to get out everything you want to say. And I don’t mind xtra long podcasts like that 🤷🏻‍♀️

  13. 25:17 I don’t want any race to be like Abu Dhabi 2021 or Singapore 2008. Cheating is nasty. That was a terrible example by Crofty. He could have said Baku 2017. Now that was an amazing advertisement for F1

  14. I think Croft’s and KC analysis about Checo is some what true but being in team like red bull second driver knowing that if there is time and team needs to choose one driver obviously they will choose Max, that would effect you mentally and that’s what’s happening with Checo.

  15. Crofty is right about cost-cap and staff pay. I work for one of the teams and staff wages are the biggest casualty. People could get much better pay if they leave (so many have)

  16. It was NOT an inseason growth ofMcLaren!!! They started on it from Nov2022 cos they saw their design didn’t work at all for the 2023 car…. But it wasn’t finished earlier than half way the season.







  18. I normally really like Toni but it’s not on to tell people they don’t really like f1 if they don’t like seasons where there is no competition for f1 races. Her and crofty were out of order with that, yeah I agree the sport has SO much more going for it. But you can recognise that these periods of dominance due to bad regs and indecisive reg changes might not be always fun.

  19. Crofty talking absolute rubbish as per. He has his opinions and that's fine, but it sounds as if he's put 2 and 2 together and come up with 10. Teams are struggling to recruit, it must be due to the cost cap… And not letting people finish as he MUST have his say 🙄 get out.

  20. I think it's pretty obvious that if Checo finishes second in the Driver's this year, he'll be brought back. But if he cant secure 2nd with an RB19 he's going to be replaced by Ricciardo, Tsunodo, Albon, or dark darkhorse Vettel. And whomever they pick are keeping the seat warm for when a Lando/LeClerq/Piastri can be secured in 25' or 26'. Cause eventually one of those guys is going to get sick of never or rarely winning and want to take on the challenge of matching Verstappen in equal equipment cause at least if they fail, theyll be in position to pick up the occassional win with the Red Bull.

    And Alpha Tauri cant buy the RB19 or RB19 blueprints, but what theyll do is buy all the listed parts instead of most of the listed parts, and clone/trace the rb19 as closely as the rest of the parts youre required to design/manufacture

  21. British media like to promote their British pilots, we all know that, they’ve been doing it for years and years. Some wish Checo was already out of the team to have NOR or ALB there. Sorry guys, you’ll have to wait til 2025 or maybe 2026. Checo is to win at least another race this year and I’ll be sitting here in my sunny garden expecting to hear about the latest British newsline…Is Checo finished after a successful year? Cheers!!

  22. To croftys cost cap argument. Make the cost cap like the wind tunnel ATR time. Slower teams get more. Top teams get less. You will stop top people leaving the industry and they will be drawn towards the smaller teams.

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