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Health Expert REVEALS The #1 Thing Women Over 40 NEED TO KNOW | Dr. Annice Mukherjee

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47 thoughts on “Health Expert REVEALS The #1 Thing Women Over 40 NEED TO KNOW | Dr. Annice Mukherjee”

  1. I had to leave an active role in the NHS on the frontline in emergencies etc as the on call after 30 years was exhausting me ontop very long highly stressful day because management in the NHS do not support a 50 plus year old professional woman who just needs to stop on call after a very long service but can do the rest of the job ok. I was mortified to leave and the financial impact was huge, there needs to be more compassion in the NHS for experienced staff who can no longer stretch their nights and days into one whilst going through these body changes.

  2. I'm still on the fence with taking hrt for bone and heart health etc. I can't quite believe the massive shift from Dr's saying its risky taking hrt to now its not as risky. How do we know that in 30 years they got it wrong and the women taking hrt have illness and disease due taking the hrt so I'm still not sure what to do.

  3. If you feel mentally CRAZY…uhhhhh it's Perimenopause. Sad us woman don't know shit about what's to come. DIET LADIES. Ditch the coffee 100% and no hot flashes.

  4. DIET & VITAMINS: Magnesium for mental instability. Vitamin E for the heat. Alcohol causes heat and irritability the following day so dont indulge. It was horrible for me. It's not anymore. You are your own Doctor. This video said a lot about nothing. Avoid HRT for it increase your chances of Cancer. Doctors never tell you that! Research is key.

  5. Modern society appears to be “more sensitive and respectful” to women on the surface. On the inner workings, society continues to inherit a negative view of women because an honest woman appears weak. She shows emotions, she asks for help, she is verbal and reaches out her arms to comfort. Not all because many learned those qualities are unacceptable or dangerous to her own safety. It’s a complicated mine field to navigate even before menopause and at that time, nature throws in hormonal changes. We have to endure so much. All we have is each other .

  6. Thanks for this talk. I totally agree that we need to start taking back control. I was at the point of considering HRT but then drastically improved my diet (Zoe) and all symptoms of hot sweats, anxiety etc went. Now blood pressure is significantly lower as is my cholesterol. It’s really important to look at your whole lifestyle.

  7. Thank you for levelling this conversation. My cycle stopped 2 years ago, I am 55, I feel fantastic. No HRT, no symptoms. There has been very little opportunity to share this for many reasons. Please can we open the conversation 🙏

  8. 42:30 Exactly.
    Ayurveda sees menopause as a natural, healthy part of life. The change in hormones in menopause exposes underlying issues. I am way past menopause at 61 and still have a libido and good health and take no HRT. I get really annoyed at all the talk about needing to take meds for menopause.

  9. I doing great in my menopause I in the past have mental health issues the Dr's normally tell me be careful in menopause and my brain let out my wisdom inner peace I am strong than never. Just let you know 😊
    Thank you Dr for your generosity and wisdom 🙏

  10. Such a refreshing take on the menopause. I’m curious though, when I was peri menopausal 10 yrs ago my GP suggested the merino coil (not sure that’s spelt correctly) and it was a life saver eventually, to being able to go out during my suddenly very heavy liver like periods! Is this still used or is it now just the HRT?!?

  11. I’m 80 I agree that the older you get the More exercise for body and mind you need. I had HRT for 5 Years which was made an enormous difference to my menopausal symtoms. I have improved my diet in the past 2 years . Including nuts grains lots of fruit and veg . Reducing carbs .eating plenty of protein and have slowly lost weight and have lots of energy . I do 2 ballet classes a week .such an enjoyable way of exercising ,to beautiful music I go on health walks with a group. And belong to U 3 A .Enjoying my old age !

  12. HRT lifted me back to life after 15 years of not knowing what was happening to my brain. Now I am able to work on all the pillars of health and after 4 years I am getting there. If I forget a dose I feel really awful 2 days later.

  13. My grandmother (91 years old) , always healthy and the only time she saw a doctor was when she broke her arm:

    Her "secret"

    1- When you wake up , drink 2 Cups of water and keep moving for 1/2 hour, before having breakfast (olive oil+ Wholegrain bread+Big cup of Naturally fermented milk) preferably..

    2- only eat when you are really hungry, when you hear the Gurgling of your belly ..

    3- No snacks, soft drinks, coffee & tea between meals …

    4- Eat slowly and chew your food very very well ..

    5- Good 8 hours of sleep ,and no need to take a nap during the day, walking or keeping moving is better.

    BIG SALAM from morocco..

  14. Dr Chatterjee, could you possibly consider asking Dr Louise Newson if she would consider being a guest on your podcast about the topic of menopause. I enjoy your podcast but this particular episode rang alarm bells.

  15. I wonder if going to a carnivore diet would help? Have there been any studies on low carb diet vs. menopause? Why should such a natural process be so traumatic for women? Surely a woman is not so fragile to be so messed up by this process? Something else HAS to be going on? Same as the high proportion of older men with prostate problems.

    Is it diet or what? I think maybe diet or vaccines. Our lives shouldn't so messed up just cos we get older.

    What about looking back through time? Have women ALWAYS had menopause problems? Have men ALWAYS had prostate problems?

    Hormone treatment CANNOT be the solution, since menopause IS going to result in LESS hormones. HRT just helps the symptoms. A bandaid solution to just treat the symptoms but not cure the cause.

    I wanna hear how women on carnivore diets go on HRT. "All women may benefit from HRT" sounds like something the drug companies would say. They would LOVE this to be the case, which is why they like to say T2D is uncurable, & would require supplemental treatment for the rest of their lives. Another constant revenue source for drug companies. Why am I not surprised?

    Increased breast cancer risk of HRT? Then it CANNOT be the solution can it? A dead end. Look somewhere else.

  16. Diet, Diet, Diet try to eat organic drop sugar, caffeine, alcohol eat low carb, do light cardio, strength train do pilates, long walks, rebounder. Get in a suna a few times a week. Stay away from toxic makeup and body products.
    Work on your emotions including pass truma and SLEEP!
    Love yoursef❤

  17. I'm an Australian GP and I will tell you the number of women interested in family planning (wanting to start a family), with menopause around just the corner is alarming. Women are not struggling like this Dr. states – most women, esp. in the West are delusional. Feminism and the gynocentric society are destroying modern "women". Many end up miserable, on antidepressants, and die alone with their cats.

  18. She is not up to date YOU CAN TAKE ORAL PROGESTERONE IF YOU HAVE NO WOMB ..IT GIVES HUGE BENIFITS other than protecting the womb..Dr louise Newson is more up to date ..

  19. Many thanks for opening up the discussion that HRT may not always be the answer to menopausal symptoms. I have been blaming hormones for my frequent migraines but more often than not it’s due to too much alcohol at weekends. This podcast has given me the wake up call that I need to vastly reduce my alcohol consumption as for whatever reason my middle aged body just can’t hack it anymore.

  20. When I was done with having children, I was very relieved that I began showing signs of menopause because I knew how much freedom from all kinds of inconveniences and discomforts Funnily enough, my husband got depressed when I told him! His italian mother was raised by a mother who was very steeped in ideas about mental instability and cessation of sexual relations had created a real negative impression. Frankly, after getting some sleep problems and hot flashes under control, it was absolutely great, and he got over his concerns. He died in his 50s and so we didn't get to take full advantage of it. I haven't had a period in almost 30 years, and I rarely get migraines or hot flashes, and I've never taken estrogen. I'm healthier now, for sure. Hot flashes seem related to consuming sugars for me. Is that common?

  21. Great podcast!!! Yes get healthy without meds first. Then if certain conditions present get treatment. Eating real food. Nothing out of a can or a box or a wrapper. Mostly organic vegetables & non hormone proteins. Little to no alcohol or sugar. Hydration!Walking. Weight training. Yoga. Pilates. Meditation. Good quality relationships. Rewarding career/work. Deep breathing. Massages. Play and having fun💫🤍 enjoy every moment!!

  22. Wish I had this info 7 years ago when my symptoms started. At the same time my mental health began to decline and I'm wondering if there was a correlation. I think I put whatever I experienced down to my mental health.

  23. I just wish women's health would be seen as more than "reproductive" or "fertility health".

    I had an ovary removed because doctors wouldn't give me any sort of treatment for it unless I was trying to get pregnant.

  24. I’m 57 year old 4 years that my period stopped I don’t have any symptoms so far. I walk everyday for 1 hour and 3 times per week weightlifting. I eat salad and fruits some carbs and a lot of nuts. I only drink water and SAGE TEA every night. So far all is good 🙏🙏

  25. Do not take these drugs, look at you diet and herbs. Do not become a lab rat for big farmer! Follow the money, pharmaceutical companies do not care bout your side effects! Many DRS do not fully know either!

  26. I still have to get to the end of this episode but just wanted to mention that I just started HRT no to reduce my symptoms but to prevent osteoporosis and heart problems in the future. I’m very healthy and fit but don’t think it’s enough😢

  27. I'm definitely suffering from hormone issues. The doctors just say take birth control but also say it might not work. Really frustrating!

  28. I would encourage women to experiment with diet. I Had terrible hot sweats and through careful consideration I eliminated any white food, potatoes, sugar pasta, bread cheese and dairy etc and any carbohydrates as well as eliminating alcohol and meat. I know this sounds extreme, however I have absolutely no hot sweats anymore. For me, I feel this is worth it! I could be in a minority here but again I would definitely encourage you to give it a go, because there really isn't any discussion on diet and I think this needs consideration. 😊❤

  29. I went into surgical menopause at the age 38…😔
    Today almost 30 years later if I eat sugar or packaged goods I go into hot flashes and night 😓…
    If there is another option take it-don’t let them take your stuff🥸

  30. Women who have easy menopause transitions can be really hateful. They're often smug and dismissive. They often accuse their unlucky sisters of faking, attention-seeking, and having no moral fibre. They shame us. They tell us to snap out of it, stop thinking so much about ourselves, get off the couch, quit the pity party…

    They're often hateful toward those of us who use HRT.

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