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Health monitoring device — ScienceDaily

Sweat is more than just a sign of a good workout. It contains vital information about our health, providing clues about dehydration, fatigue, blood sugar levels, and even serious diseases like cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and heart failure. Researchers at the University of Hawaii Manoa College of Engineering have taken a big step forward in sweat analysis with an innovative 3D-printed wearable sweat sensor called a “sweatainer.”

Harnessing the power of additive manufacturing (3D printing), researchers have developed a new type of wearable sweat sensor that expands the capabilities of wearable sweat devices. The sweatatainer is a small, portable device about the size of a child’s sticker that collects and analyzes sweat, offering a vision of the future of health monitoring. By incorporating various sensors, the sweatatainer can analyze sweat in a similar way to previous wearable sweat detection systems.

“3D printing enables a whole new design mode for wearable sweat sensors by allowing us to create fluidic networks and features with unprecedented complexity,” said Department of Mechanical Engineering Assistant Professor Tyler Ray. “With the sweatatainer, we are using 3D printing to showcase the vast opportunities this approach enables for affordable, innovative and cost-effective prototyping of advanced wearable sweat devices.”

Efficient and profitable approach

Traditional approaches to collecting sweat use absorbent pads or micro-bore (very narrow) tubes pressed against the epidermis (superficial layer of skin) using bands or straps to capture sweat as it emerges from the skin. These techniques require trained personnel, special handling, and expensive laboratory equipment. The recent advent of wearable sweat sensors has addressed some of these challenges, but these devices are still single use. When the device is full, it should be removed and sweat collection stopped.

A unique feature of the sweatatainer is its “multiple draw” sweat collection method, which allows the collection of multiple separate sweat samples for analysis, either directly on the device or sent to a laboratory. Inspired by the vacutainer used in clinical blood samples, this advance not only makes sweat collection more efficient, but also opens up new possibilities for at-home testing, sample storage for future research, and integration with existing health monitoring methods.

Field studies of the sweatatainer system highlight the real potential of this innovative technology. Building on the model established in the sweatatainer, the researchers hope this will continue to drive innovation to create a future where personal health management is more accessible, convenient and insightful.

The findings were published in advances in science May 3


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