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Healthy Breakfast Ideas: Start Your Day With These Quick Meals

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If the word “breakfast” conjures up large plates of bacon and eggs, stacks of pancakes or omelettes, all of which may seem too heavy or time-consuming to prepare on a regular basis, it’s time to move beyond those ideas.

Instead of reaching for a box of cereal or the same old menu of morning favorites, give yourself permission to go crazy and get creative.

Reframing breakfast as simply the first meal of the day, rather than a meal that should include traditional “breakfast foods,” gives us all room to eat essentially anything we want, as long as the meal meets some nutritional requirements.

Personally, when I feel like I’m in a breakfast rut, I think about other foods I’m craving. Pasta, tacos and burritos, French-inspired cheese and fruit tartines, and even popsicles have graced my breakfast bowl or plate depending on the season and my whims.

Also, in my world, an egg is not just a breakfast food. I am happy eating an egg and cheese sandwich at any time of the day. Just ask my husband, who has witnessed plenty of quick convenience store sandwiches on road trips.

If you’re not inspired by your usual morning routine, challenge yourself with these quick or prepared meal recommendations, as well as a few other treats to start your day with something delicious.

If the texture of scrambled eggs in a muffin tin doesn’t appeal to you (same thing, honestly), there’s an alternative that’s just as versatile. you can bake broken whole eggs into greased wells of a muffin pan and refrigerate or freeze for meals throughout the week.

Is it a coincidence that there are 12 wells in a muffin tin and a dozen eggs in a carton? Maybe it’s fate telling us all to bake up a big batch. Or do a few at a time if that makes sense for your schedule. If you want to add chopped vegetables for more flavor, add them to each well before breaking the egg.

Use these baked eggs as a protein base for sandwiches and English muffin wraps, or eat on their own as you would hard-boiled eggs.

While overnight oats are more traditionally skewed toward breakfast, there are so many ways to make them that it’s worth making them part of your routine. Because of the versatility and hands-off aspect of the preparation, these are some of my favorite breakfast options for vacation trips and camping adventures, but they also work for busy mornings at home.

Overnight oats are one of the most versatile breakfast options out there, and can easily be taken on the go or enjoyed at home.

He basic premise of overnight oats requires you to hydrate the flakes for at least 8 hours, or while you sleep. But oats aren’t the only grain option that can handle an overnight soak. Add some precooked quinoa or darling to add a more flavorful yet tender texture.

Vary up the flavor profile with these additions:

• non-dairy milk options, such as rice, cashew, or macadamia nuts

• dried fruit or frozen berries

• toasted coconut flakes

• chopped walnuts or flax seeds

• sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup

And if you really like smoothies, make those too. You don’t have to dirty your blender every morning to get the benefits of a portable, drinkable breakfast. Make your favorite smoothie flavor – I love using frozen Maine blueberries with spinach either avocado. Then pour it into popsicle molds for frozen pops that can be grabbed in seconds.

If you don’t have your refrigerator or freezer stocked with ready meals, you can keep the ingredients on hand for easy breakfasts. My favorite strategy here is to brainstorm what I’d like to eat in a sandwich and use those filling ideas for breakfast entrees.

Open-faced sandwiches are a good choice for a meal that can be put together quickly and skew it, whether savory or sweet.

Also known as open-faced sandwiches, or as I like to call them, “stuff on toast,” tartines comprise a general category of breakfast options that can skew savory or sweet. Start with sprouted or whole-grain breads, bagels, or English muffins for crucial fiber. Then toast and top with ingredients like the following:

• mashed avocado and sesame seeds

• pecan butter and fruit slices (bonus: make your own sweet and savory dessert) maple nut butter)

• cream cheese and berries

marinated baked tofu and kimchi

• brie, camembert or goat cheese and jam (try fig or raspberry)

This strategy works for the no-carb set, too: Just swap out the bread for a bowl of plain or vanilla (or similarly thick) Greek yogurt. My standard summer breakfast is plain European yogurt mixed with watermelon or cubed peaches and a drizzle of honey and balsamic vinegar. If you love feta and watermelon salad, give it a try.

If you like your foods salty, there’s a lot more to do with eggs than just fry, scramble, and fold them into omelettes. When I have a few minutes and I’m feeling hungry, my favorite move is to grab eggs and tortillas for breakfast, tacos, or burritos.

The technique of making both is simple, but full of possibilities when it comes to fillings. I “taquear”, or dress, my breakfast tacos with leftovers and take a cue from Jackie Alpers, author of “Taste of Tucson,” to fill my burritos with a mixture of scrambled eggs, beans, cheese and fresh hot sauce.

Eggs and tortillas go well in the morning for breakfast tacos or burritos.

Leftover cold pasta will always be a passable breakfast for me, but when I want some hot, fresh noodles first thing in the morning, I make a one pot breakfast pasta inspired by carbonara. Mixing spaghetti with creamy eggs, spinach, and peas creates a hearty and satisfying bowl of carbs, protein, and vegetables.

If you have a sweet tooth, pancakes and waffles are probably your go-to order for weekend brunch. And yes, they take more time to prepare than you probably want to spend on a weekday, so they’re more of a special occasion meal.

But when you’ve got a fever for a pile of fluffy carbs, you can still play around with the flavor. Increase fiber and protein with grains like buckwheat either cornmeal. Then cover your creation with Quick Roasted Fruit and Yogurt Whip.

Pro Tip: If you’re still making more pancakes and waffles than you can eat in a single meal, freeze the leftovers in a single layer on a baking sheet. When frozen, transfer to a freezer bag or other sealable container. Pop them in the toaster when you’re ready to eat them again, voila! Homemade eggs!

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