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Heartbreaking! Northern Irish families rush to London for Covid-19 consultation

Title: The Ongoing Quest for Justice in Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland families who were affected by the Troubles are now demanding justice as they fear being forgotten in the ongoing investigation. The families of the victims who died or were affected by the violence during the Troubles say that they want to make sure they are not just a footnote in the investigations being conducted by the UK government.

The Troubles, which lasted from the late 1960s to the late 1990s, saw heavy political violence and a large number of casualties. It was a time of turbulence, with sectarian violence, bombings, and assassinations being commonplace. The British government’s handling of the situation has been criticized by many for its lack of transparency and accountability. Today, the families of the victims are still seeking justice and closure.

The families of the victims feel that they have been fighting for justice for decades with no end in sight. They want the UK government to take responsibility for their part in the violence and to provide transparency and accountability. The families have come together to form various organizations to lobby for justice and accountability.

Section 1: The Current State of Investigations

The UK government has made some progress in investigating the Troubles. However, many are concerned that the current investigations are not sufficient. The families of the victims feel that the investigations should be more transparent and should involve more input from victims and their families. Currently, many of the investigations are being conducted by the British government without much input from those most affected by the violence.

There are also concerns that the current investigations do not go far enough. Many feel that the investigations should include not only the British government but also the paramilitaries involved in the violence. The families of the victims feel that the paramilitaries should be held accountable for their actions just as the government should be.

Section 2: The Quest for Justice and Accountability

The families of the victims have formed various organizations to push for justice and accountability. These organizations have been instrumental in bringing attention to the issue and in lobbying for change. Many of these organizations have also been involved in providing support for families who have been affected by violence during the Troubles.

One of these organizations is the Pat Finucane Centre, which has been actively involved in campaigning for justice for victims. They have been working with various groups to bring attention to the issue and to demand that the investigations be more transparent and accountable. They have also been providing support for families who have been affected by the violence during the Troubles.

Another organization that has been involved in campaigning for justice is the Relatives for Justice. This organization was formed by families who had lost loved ones during the Troubles. They have been actively involved in lobbying for justice and have made significant progress in their quest for accountability. They have been instrumental in getting investigations reopened and have been actively involved in supporting families who have lost loved ones.

Section 3: The Importance of Remembering

The families of the victims feel that it is important to remember the events of the Troubles. They believe that it is important not only to remember the victims but also to remember the events that led up to the violence. They want to ensure that future generations understand what happened and are able to learn from the past.

The families of the victims have been involved in various events to help remember the Troubles. These include marches, vigils, and memorials. They believe that it is important to keep the memory of the victims alive and to ensure that they are not forgotten.

Additional Piece:

The ongoing quest for justice in Northern Ireland teaches us an important lesson about the value of accountability and transparency. Without these elements, justice cannot be achieved, and wounds cannot heal. The families of the victims of the Troubles demonstrate the resilience of the human spirit as they continue their quest for accountability and justice. Their story reminds us that we cannot forget the lessons of the past, and we must always strive to hold governments and organizations accountable for their actions.


The families of the victims of the Troubles in Northern Ireland continue to push for justice and accountability. They believe that the investigations should be more transparent and accountable. Many feel that the investigations should include not only the British government but also the paramilitaries involved in the violence. The families have formed various organizations to push for justice and accountability. They believe that it is important not only to remember the victims but also to remember the events that led up to the violence. The story of the families of the victims of the Troubles teaches us the importance of accountability and transparency in achieving justice and healing wounds.


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The Northern Ireland families say they want to make sure they are not a footnote in the investigation.