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Here comes the bride, with AI-generated wedding vows

like the height As wedding season approaches, some people are turning to artificial intelligence looking for help with their hitches. Yes, ChatGPT can turn those nondescript wedding vows into something more poetic or add banter to that toast.

Turning to a chatbot to express your deepest love can seem cold, lazy, or even dystopian. But those who take advantage of the technology say it can help break writer’s block caused by high expectations set for a special day. Some people are comfortable using AI in the most intimate aspects of their lives.

To some, using ChatGPT to get help with important words like wedding vows may seem like a joke, but it can lead to sentences that defy expectations. Michelle Albert, who lives in Seattle, says she asked the bot to type votes, hoping for something fun. Instead, the output was sweet, if also generic. She made extensive use of her fiancée’s intelligence, kindness, and beauty, spewing out clichés like “I love you more than words can say.”

Still, the unexpected fluency piqued Albert’s interest and pushed her to start writing personal vows. “The best use case for me is just inspiration,” says Albert. She also used ChatGPT to develop ideas on how to have tough conversations with family and friends about downsizing your wedding, which means some people she loves won’t be invited. She and her fiancée also used the bot to design an itinerary for their five-day honeymoon in Hawaii.

Joy, a popular wedding planning website and app, now has a AI tool built in ChatGPT intended to help beat writer’s block. Its dropdown menu allows people to choose from a myriad of options, including writing speeches and toasts, writing thank-you notes, and creating wedding hashtags, like “#MyOhMaui” for a Hawaiian wedding or “#SailingToMarriageOnTheHighSeas” for a certain one. . in the style of a pirate.

Vishal Joshi, CEO and co-founder of Joy, says he understands the initial apprehension some may feel about using AI for such personal touches. “Are we trying to do something that is so emotional and so personal? Are we trying to automate it?” Joshi says. “We had that fight.”

But some Joy users seem to have overcome any qualms. Vote and toast generation have become the most popular features of AI features since they launched in March, Joshi says. He sees that it fits with the fact that long before AI came on the scene, many people struggled to articulate their feelings on their wedding day. “Getting those emotions on paper is a lot harder than any of us admit,” says Joshi.

To generate speeches, Joy asks the user to provide details of a memorable story about the couple and their relationship, such as how they met or when a person met their future in-laws. For votes, the app asks a person to highlight what they love most about their partner. They can then choose the delivery style, directing the system to generate something that could come from a friend, Shakespeare, or a former pessimist. A playwright-esque upvote suggestion begins: “Walking on the beach in front of us, I’d give the world to share, your values ​​of rest and revelry combined with mine, that’s so rare.”

As with anything a ChatGPT-style bot says, AI-crafted votes or speeches can include stories that may not be true. In WIRED’s tests, it took several tries and edits before ChatGPT included enough detail about the couple or a memory to make something feel personal and authentic enough to read in front of guests and witnesses.


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