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Here’s how to stay in shape in your 30s, 40s and 50s

As spring approaches and summer is not long in coming, people of all ages begin to seriously consider their issue Fitness goals And Get in shape. But what exactly does it mean to be “in shape”? The answer is complex and depends on who you ask.

To be fit can have different meanings depending on the context,” says Asad Siddiqi, DO, chief of rehabilitation medicine at New York Presbyterian-Brooklyn Methodist Hospital in New York City. There is no universal definition.

Still, experts generally agree that the concept boils down to maintaining a condition healthy weightt, exercise regularly and eat adequately through a balanced diet. “To me, being in shape means being physically strong and flexible to handle daily tasks and live a fulfilling life,” adds Siddiqi.

Exercise to stay in shape

The American College of Physical Education and Medicine Guidelines recommend adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly. Moving your body is important to staying in shape, but most adults can’t do it. According to an older study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 28% of Americans are physically active, and that activity level steadily declines with age. Siddiqi says it’s never too late to make a move and doing anything is better than nothing. “Think of exercise as an investment,” says Siddiqi, “not just for our health today, but for the rest of our lives.”

Eat healthy

Aside from moving your body, experts say good nutrition is crucial to getting and staying in shape. “The first step is healthy eating,” says registered dietitian Ruth Frechman, owner of On the Weigh, a private practice specializing in weight loss and nutrition education in Los Angeles. To ensure a balanced diet, Frechman advises customers of all ages and genders to visually divide their plate into quarters: One quarter should be protein, one quarter should be carbohydrates, and the rest should be vegetables. This food combination gives you energy and contains the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to function.

Aside from these basics, the following tips will help you look and feel your best in any decade.

How to stay in shape 30s

Around your third decade, you may notice that your favorite jeans may fit a little differently and you may have less flexibility than you did in your twenties. This is likely due to an increase in body fat and a loss of muscle mass. In addition to establishing an exercise and nutrition program to keep your body strong, you should also focus on chronic disease prevention.

Frechman also recommends keeping an eye on your blood tests to make sure nutrient levels are right and your heart, thyroid, and kidneys are in good condition. Frenchman also recommends staying within your body mass index (BMI) range when controlling your weight. Although BMI has recently been criticized as an inaccurate tool, the Frenchman says: “I believe in BMI because being overweight leads to it.” inflammationwhich can lead to early health problems such as: diabetes And high cholesterol levels.”

How to stay in shape 40s

In your 40s, hormone and strength levels decline and health problems such as osteoarthritis can arise high blood pressure can arise. To nip foods in the bud, tailor your wellness routine to your specific health concerns, advises Siddiqi. “You may have noticed that your cholesterol or blood sugar levels are a little high, you need to adjust a certain way.” Exercise and a diet that could help reduce it,” he says.

How to stay in shape 50s

Your 50s are the best time to get in shape because you’re setting the stage for the second half of your life. At this age, metabolism begins to slow down, which is seen in women menopauseand the bones can become more brittle. Siddiqi suggests focusing on a fitness program that improves balance and strength. He recommends exercises like Tai Chi.

To compensate for a slower metabolism, Frechman recommends eating smaller meals. She also suggests talking to your doctor about what supplements you may need if you’re not getting enough nutrients from food. In some people, as they age, their levels of minerals such as calcium, which are necessary for strong bones, decrease.

But the Frenchman’s most important advice applies to all ages: “Enjoy life and do what defines you.” Happy.”