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How AI Tools Like ChatGPT and Midjourney Can Boost Work Productivity | WSJ Your Money Briefing

Freelancers and small-business owners are using artificial intelligence to boost output and their incomes. WSJ reporter Te-Ping …

15 thoughts on “How AI Tools Like ChatGPT and Midjourney Can Boost Work Productivity | WSJ Your Money Briefing”

  1. after months and months of job applications to never get past the ATS & get an interview, I used chatGPT to write tailored resumes for the job I am applying for. In 2 days I have secured 3 interviews outside my field

  2. Most people fear change. At first, they reject it, then they try to rationalize their rejection, but in the end, they accept the change, and before you know it, the disruption becomes the norm. Many also fear losing their jobs, but historically, large disruptions create more jobs than the jobs they destroy. While you might become unemployed, your children will use the new tool and work in a new field. Take Native Americans, for example. When the white people took their lands, they probably felt terrible, but now white people are the dominant demographic of the United States and everyone now lives under the laws, and live their way of life. Technological disruptions are just like colonialism – it is inevitable, and rather than resisting it, you should embrace it and the new opportunities it brings. Exploitation is a part of life. We wear shirts made of Xinjiang's cotton and use iPhones made by factories with suicide nests, and we have no problem with doing that, so why should we all of a sudden grow a conscience and care about writers and artists? In the end, it is about delivering the products to the masses, not fairly compensating the holders of the intellectual property. If Uber had to respect the local laws, they would never become as successful and we would all be poorer for it.

  3. I use ChatGPT all the time. But hilarious how frequently it generates code with classes that don't even exist in the framework. LOL. Sort of like a psycho coding co-worker. Is today the day he tells the truth? TBD.

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