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How Beauty Overstimulation Is Tricking Your Brain

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37 thoughts on “How Beauty Overstimulation Is Tricking Your Brain”

  1. Ummm I see attractive people in real life everyday… where do y’all live lol? Is it rare to be attractive or something? It sounds to me y’all are ugly and sulking.

  2. ???? Wait so it didn’t affect the individual themselves? To think “god I’m ugly”, instead they sit there and say others aren’t good enough for them??

  3. i think it actually makes it easier to objectively rate yourself and other people. After seeing the top 1% of attractive people, I'm not going to lie and say the average person I see is a 10 because they're just not.

  4. Yeah, of course let’s go against physically attractive posters now, since overweight non-binaries are a big trend and new norm now – let’s put them on each big brand campaign. And good luck finding a straight good looking men or women in the near future (dating is already a complicated disaster). In couple of years we all be doomed with no ability to distinct anything. Man/woman, good/bad, right/wrong, ugly/beautiful, healthy/toxic will become all metaphorical and with a strong “SAYS WHO?” vibe. No norm, no standards anymore. Welcome to big mess which will result in nothing but more hatred in this poor world

  5. This is so true… but not only applies to partners but also to ourselfs, when we are constantly viewing images of beautiful people and models, when we look ourselfs in the mirror or any reflection on the street we tend to feel down because we don’t like them. And yes, for me it’s been chronic, the worst part is that I’ve always been interested in fashion and fascinated by that world, so the exposure of “beauty” is always been there 🥲

  6. I don't know about this. People just like their crushes or SOs. When you already have someone in your heart, everyone else pales in comparison.

  7. when you are exposed to thai (asian) drama everyday it's true that real men become suddenly unattractive.
    i wonder how those actors can be sexy and cute at the same time
    blow my mind

  8. Bismillah for allah swt sake be sunni muslim with loves peace good in life in grave in afterlife🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯

  9. Great point. It could have been made using a few more men as examples. There was basically one very attractive male and all the rest female.

  10. personally, I've always found deviation from the "beauty standard" more appealing. A feature that makes someone unique looking: a bigger nose, wider spaced eyes, etc, etc. I find people who check all the conventionally attractive boxes a little…boring, tbvh. I'm not calling them ugly, or anything. They just don't make me turn my head. So, if you have a feature you think is a flaw, it actually might make you more interesting looking, and people like me actually like it 🤷🏻‍♀️

  11. oh that's why in my country there are a lot of ugly men only want to date girls with specs like a supermodel: tall, slim, good skin, attractive. while they are the complete opposite

  12. I’ve always thought myself reasonably attractive physically. Nobody else seems to agree. Another effect of too many attractive images? Are normally attractive individuals like me now found to be not up to standard?

  13. not going to say this doesn't effect me, but i've only ever seriously considered people as potential partners long after i've met them, got to know them and then suddenly realised I'm thinking about them all the time and am therefore multiple thousands of kilometres deep in the friendzone.
    i can think of only one instance since the plandemic where I regretted not being bold enough to approach someone as soon as I saw them, and they had a bit of an alt aesthetic. Perhaps beauty saturation increases my proclivity toward assortative mating?

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