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How ChatGPT Works Technically For Beginners

Corrections: 7:00 MRI scan doesn’t measure electricity. EEG does. 26:21 1k -10k times the number of neurons. Don’t quote me on …


24 thoughts on “How ChatGPT Works Technically For Beginners”

  1. Wow! I needed an explanation. I searched and searched and could not find anything that would explain this technology the way I needed it explained for me to understand chatgpt and continue to learn about it. Then I got lucky and found your video. Thank you.

  2. Vibrations have a matching number of factors associated with it's definition and how it draws in a mathematical number in common packaging for a question or comment to make a decision about which one it chooses to replace or implement a response allocation to the rules of packets so people cycrnisized the way it works well for certain things but the fact is its they can't understand why it would pick a particular response 🤔 mathematical matching their process of 3D to shapes

  3. 😮this is plasmaphorisis of a kind of small energy and a high energy supply to help you understand that plasma has up down quarks and other features in the spin to make a successful coherence of frequencies in a harmonics environment of experience in a packet of information about the definition of the information a Talorical current lives with in mathematical properties and the sameness will pop outside of the energy a intelligence reader of sorting bar codes like are packaged into a domain name and the name Acknowledgement is a bit tricky to use it but the fact is it works well with harmonics

  4. While I certainly agree that humans are innovative and (some of us) possess the ability to survive with limited resources, I'm still concerned that capitalism will twist and corrupt any of the advantages that Generative AI tools may give to society and we'll steadily lose a grip on basic human needs. Humans also require basic necessities to survive within modern society (food, shelter, community, monetary income, etc.), but the corporations that stand to benefit the most from Generative AI will likely see the energy costs of ChatGPT and other tools as preferable to paying their employees a living wage. Don't get me wrong – I'm a science fiction geek and would love to see AI develop in a positive, symbiotic way with human society (i.e. Star Trek), but we have some greedy nutjobs in the highest positions of power right now. P.S. Great video, by the way! It was very interesting throughout.

  5. Thanks for an effort to simplify the magic of chatGPT for many of us and ending it with some positive words about human brain. I also had an additional insight in chatGPT, LLM, image recognition … with the video titled "Explained: The conspiracy to make AI seem harder than it is! By Gustav Söderström" (not so good title, but equally insightful video as yours).

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