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How I Use AI to take perfect notes…without typing

NEW VERSION: Today I’ll show you how to build the ultimate text to speech …

21 thoughts on “How I Use AI to take perfect notes…without typing”

  1. It took me way longer than ten minutes to set this up, between switching back and forth between tabs and rewinding this. lol It also doesn't help that ChatGPT is broken right now for file uploads, so it won't test successfully. 😛 But I'm looking forward to getting this working!

  2. Billion dollar global insight for real life, movie, anime, or thesis to feedback to management and max profits. When people use audio recording app to take down their ideas verbally, it does not come out in a perfectly formed paragraph. There are many editing that is spoken aloud. Here is where ChatGPT AI comes in to solve said problem, where developers can create a note taking app with ChatGPT tech, where users can use Siri to voice memo record their audio notes or ideas. ChatGPT create a second audio file version (in consideration of verbal edits or added disjointed keywords) with text translation based on second version.

  3. Massive thanks! Still super awesome. Any idea if this would work as well should I want to feed it a sales call of two people talking? Would it be able to differentiate between two speakers?

  4. Love the solution, but the lifetime is limited. It will fail sooner with easier solutions. Tech moves fast. I simply enable the microphone and talk to OpenAI. Ask for a summary, then copy paste the text.

  5. Love your channel and content, and appreciate how much detail you go into. However, please could you be transparent at the beginning of your videos that there are costs associated with setting these things up. Really sucks getting 20 minutes into the process and putting in all the work to set it up just to realise you might not want to front up costs every month for it.

  6. Help !!!! do you have any tools for visualizing the files together. Like for a web page? I need to do this, and then I need a way to make a visual business plan to go with the written plans for my BIG ideas. GOD HELP ME ! I'm so lost and paralyzed (im a paraplegic too, ugh) ? ps thank you 4 this video

  7. good video. but you should give example of final result. not in graph (which is good by the way). but also actually practical example how it works to see the end result of the whole process. thanks

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