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How the technology behind ChatGPT could make mind-reading a reality

Neuroscientists at the University of Texas in Austin have figured out a way to translate scans of brain activity into words using the …


32 thoughts on “How the technology behind ChatGPT could make mind-reading a reality”

  1. The World Economic Forum already said they were going to use this kind of technology to track employees thoughts and attention span. And then CNN announces it like it’s an exciting new fun toy. People, please wake up.

  2. information in the brain is encoded by synaptic connections that arise during the growth and branching of dendrites. The brain of one person is not identical to the brain of another, and therefore it is extremely unlikely that it is possible to decipher specific words, not only by MRI, but even simply by having a database of all neural connections of the brain. A few years ago, I looked at other studies where scientists are trying in vain to scan the brain of an earthworm, which has about 10,000 neurons, while humans have more than 86 billion neurons.

    In addition to this, chatGPT is used here, which, even when used for its intended purpose, is constantly mistaken, because for it there are no words, no logic, no sense – only the search for a solution to a vector equation.

    IMHO this research is just another useless project for media hype and fundraising and leads nowhere.

  3. You are so far away from anything remotely useful that i'm 😢. Chatgpt is good but needs a lot of work. The wildcards that it's throwing now as answers are not going to do us any good

  4. Hope it's reading what I'm thinking it should do right now, it'll be the first example of ai destroying its self with a power surge

  5. This is very concerning and I honestly think this research should be banned (or at least put on hold) unless we want to live in an actual dystopia where thought police are real…

  6. Uniunea Europeana, cauta in Republica Moldova, numai oameni potriviti pentru prostitutia mare din Europa, pentru Sistemul LGBT, din care ar putea sa faca: lesbiene, prostituate, homosexuali, bisexuali, transgenderi, pedofili, sutiniori.
    Europenii, cauta fete, femei, baieti, barbati tineri, intre 18-35 de ani, iar cei intre varstele de 35-50 de ani, sunt asteptati la Constructie, pe camioane, la ingrijit cururi batrane, la facut curatenie in casele oamenilor cu bani mari si inca le dau o norma la prostitutie, ca sa faca niste bani in plus, din care le dau si sutiniorilor.
    Oamenii, de la 50 de ani in sus, sunt mai mult in plus, dar le gasesc si lor munca grea, daca ii pot aduce la Europa.
    Summitul Prostitutiei, care a avut lor la data de 1 iunie 2023, in Republica Moldova, este bucuria europenilor, au avut posibilitatea sa convinga, cat mai mult tineret, ca drumul spre Europa, este deschis pentru ei, iar europenii ii asteapta cu colacii in coarne si cu prezervativele in buzunare, numai sa vina cat mai repede, cu bucile curate, carnoase, tinere, in Turma sutiniorilor, caci sutiniorii tremura de bucurie, cand isi imagineaza cate buci fierbinti, vor intra in prostitutia mare din Europa si le vor aduce bani foarte si foarte mari.
    Presedinta Prostitutiei, Maia Sandu, lucreaza in continuare lesbiana-prostituata-sutinior-terorista si ii ajuta pe moldovenii, care cred in minciunile ei si in minciunile europenilor, sa-si gaseasca sutiniori intr-un timp foarte scurt.
    Cum numai moldovenii ajung in Europa, isi pun hainele pe cuiere, fac baie, duş si foc la cur, caci sutiniorii ii asteapta cu lacrimi in ochi, de tremura haina pe ei, cand isi fac socoteala, cam cati euro le vor iesi, in fiecare zi, in fiecare saptamana, in fiecare luna.
    Moldovenii, sunt oameni frumosi, muncitori si curati, de aceea nimeresc usor in listele sutiniorilor, dar moldovenii inca sunt si oameni capabili si trebuie sa fie atenti la fiecare pas, sa traiasca viata cu ochii deschisi, sa fie luminati la creier zi si noapte, ca sa reuseasca sa se fereasca de oamenii rai si raufacatori.
    Orice om, din jurul lor, poate sa fie un om din prostitutie, din Sistemul LGBT, care poate sa le intinda capcanele pe neasteptate si ei trebuie sa stie, cum sa plece repede din ochii oamenilor dubiosi, sa dispara repede de acolo, unde ii asteapta un pericol mare.
    Moldovenii, mereu au trecut si trec prin greutati si neajunsuri, si sunt impusi de viata in fiecare zi, sa invete, cum sa iasa din orice situatie grea si complicata.
    Am intalnit in viata mea, multi oameni capabili, dar mai capabili decat moldovenii, zău ca nu am intalnit.
    Un lucru este bun si rau la moldoveni: Uneori isi dau haina de pe ei, pentru altii. Aceasta este bine, dar sa nu uite, ca trebuie sa ramana macar in chiloti, caci numai asa bucile lor, vor ramane in siguranta.
    Le doresc moldovenilor spor la munca, in Europa, in Statele Unite ale Americii, in Canada, in Australia, in Rusia, in China, in Turcia si in toate tarile, cat de grea nu ar fi munca aceea. Sa fie cu ochii in patru parti mereu, ca sa vada totul in jurul lor, sa fie cu urechile deschise mereu, ca sa auda totul in jurul lor si sa poarte mereu chilotii pe buci, ca sa nu-si rupa curul in prostitutie.
    Moldovenii, sunt deosebiti si pentru ca sunt deosebiti, sunt inconjurati mereu de sutiniori, de oameni rai si raufacatori si de oameni care vor sa aiba bani mari, de Sefi si Brigadiri, care aduna moldovenii la lucru, deoarece moldovenii lucreaza multe ore si lucrul lor este bun. Moldovenii, mai ca nu se plang de greutati, indura orice, numai ca sa adune un ban, sa-si creasca copiii mari, sa-si cumpere o casa, masina si alte lucruri importante, fiecare dupa posibilitatea lui.
    Acolo, unde lucreaza moldovenii, Sefii si Brigadirii, aduna banii mari, foarte usor.
    Moldovenii, trebuie sa fie rabdatori, rezistenti, adevarati, uniti, cu caracter puternic, cu credinta in Dumnezeu si totul in viata lor va fi super tare, super interesant, super minunat!
    Succese tuturor moldovenilor din toate tarile de pe acest Pamant!
    (08 iunie 2023)

  7. Everyone in the comments is either a bit or paid to say this is great. This is insanity. It won't be used for good, and if it is it will have strings attached.

  8. The Fmri caught a pedophile and they brushed off as if the model wasn't properly trained yet. No. The model interpreted just fine. Guy was excited about little girl.

  9. “We don’t like to use the word mind reading” 😅 just because you don’t use the word, doesn’t negate the fact. Why use wizard of oz? Research that specific story and brainwashing, MK ultra programme. No such thing as coincidence.

  10. Evil as hell. What ithe hell is wrong with these . . . people? What do nasty people and world governments do when given mind reading and mind control? They're still mouthing the usual sanctimony and piety of "helping" the disabled in the guinea pig phase for all that money. Facebook/Meta eventually dropped their gaming neurotech project, so I'm wondering if there is quite the money and the interest that there was.

    As for AI . . . it seems to have the capacity for very aggressive suggested text and autocorrect already.

  11. 3:11 What? No. Of course you can't walk down the street and have someone hold up a device to read your mind. First of all, you JUST saw that it requires hours of brain-scans to train the AI. Second, a world where people have handheld devices that can perform MRIs is a world where AI is the least of your worries. 😒
    4:40 EXACTLY! Legislators and regulators need to start making laws while technologies are still NASCENT, while they're still being developed, not wait until after they're already out and being used. Duh. 🤦

  12. Omg! I think this is totally happening to us right now!!! (being done to me regardless of them violating our rights/the law)

    I think this technology is faaaar advanced now than they are telling. This can be done remotely, no need for MRI! *even if there's wall between. Probably happening around 4-5 yrs now…

    What more, they also have technology where they can voyeur/watch you inside your house (in every corner), listen and hear even your barest whispers, see inside your body and even let you hear your own heartbeat!


    #centralintelligenceagency can't you do anything about this?

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