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How to Become a Better Parent | Dr. Shefali on Impact Theory

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“The beauty of life is that there is no line in stone, most of it is in sand.” [9:38]

“Life is this eternal dance between the knowing and the not knowing. Between the possessing and the complete non-possession. Between the doing and the non-doing.” [9:45]

“Pain is the greatest teacher.” [20:30]

“It’s narcissistic to think that we can raise another being when we haven’t raised ourselves.” [41:54]

“When you pursue anything that means you don’t have it already. So when you don’t have something already, you’re in lack. You cannot pursue abundance from lack. [47:17]



Tom and Dr. Shefali dive into the meaning of conscious parenting. [2:31]

Dr. Shefali explains how conditioning obscures child development. [5:14]

Dr. Shefali talks about understanding boundaries and the psychology behind parenting. [9:17]

Dr. Shefali describes how parents perpetuate children creating a false sense of self. [15:20]

Dr. Shefali talks about recovering our truest self and allowing our children to suffer. [17:00]

Dr. Shefali expands on living in the present moment and being deeply connected with your child. [21:31]

Tom and Dr. Shefali discuss learning to be present and how to accept and work with what you have. [24:17]

Dr. Shefali shares how she uncovers authenticity through insight meditation. [31:12]

Dr. Shefali breaks down the power of embracing the impermanent now. [34:39]

Tom and Dr. Shefali expose parenting myths and the difference between attachment and high love. [35:41]

Dr. Shefali walks through the importance of being conscious of our limitations. [39:12]

Dr. Shefali addresses the transcendence of life and how to engage and align with the moment. [43:43]

Dr. Shefali reveals why happiness is a misnomer and pursuing happiness is a trap. [47:17]

Dr. Shefali defines the impact that she wants to have on the world. [49:32]



The Awakened Family: A Revolution in Parenting – [1:54]

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment – [44:08]



Eckhart Tolle – [44:00]







Please watch: “How to Make Yourself Immune to Pain | David Goggins on Impact Theory”


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20 thoughts on “How to Become a Better Parent | Dr. Shefali on Impact Theory”

  1. Oh really? “The biblical way?” How has it been working out for those who have thought that was what they were doing and everyone in the family benefited from it. Let’s get real. Those will you exactly how that type of parenting Fucked them up. And it’s a good chance they will continue to need therapy for the remainder of their lives. Seriously?

  2. I am really sorry for the abuse that your stepdad inflicted on you. And obviously your mother did not protect you from him. So you were missing two parents. Your father was trying to pay someone else to do the work he should have been doing. The good news is that you will most likely never treat another child or human being like that. You are likely to have great compassion for others who have suffered.

  3. Gingebear, Not Your Fault. As Robin Williams said in Good Will Hunting. Sometimes when you come out of a relationship with a Narcissist and you co parent, the best you can do is remain open as a Chanel of love for your children, should they ever come to you looking for answers and a safe space. I happen to be the dad who is doing this kind of work (conscious parenting) while my son’s mother is a full blown narcissist. We may come to a point when we are in this type of dynamic, is to remember that we can only control what we can control. If you can be a model of peace for your child then that is what they may model when they have a choice. You are not contributing to the generational trauma by letting go of what you cannot control. Namaste 🙏

  4. The only thing ill say is no matter WHAT ILL ALWAYS LOVE MY CHILDREN, however At those stressful moments i can say i don't liked the behavior at the time. Never that I don't love them. I've carried/ birthed and nurtured them !

  5. The how is still not explained. What is the technique for a crying whinning child that does not want to sleep. I understand becoming aware and being in the moment but the how is missing

  6. She was pretty intelligent until the not loving your child part. She's cracked on her take on that.
    Yes, there is ego, but hey lady, when is it NOT ego, and it's a GOOD parent doing what they have to do in order to teach their child a life lesson? In short, you are partially correct. But you have to expand that a bit. No, a lot, and get off the ego, it's called procreation.

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