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How to deal with intrusive grandparents

Parenting expert Nanny Robina explains how to set ground rules and boundaries when your in-laws are helping to raise your …


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15 thoughts on “How to deal with intrusive grandparents”

  1. Absolutely agree! Setting boundaries and ground rules are so very important even if the grandparents don't like it they need to respect your decisions. it makes sense as you carried that baby for 9 months then gave birth and invested all that time with your body chasing and preparing for motherhood etc its your baby do as you please. But the problem is if they don't listen and disregard your boundaries and want to tell you what to do, how ,when ,where and there way is better than yours then its a problem you need to remove yourself from until they respect you and your family.I can't stand intrusive people let alone family who are overbearing and controlling ,its a very quick way to loose seeing me and my family as i have no problem cutting ties until respect and trust is formed knowing my child will be safe and our values morals and principles in raising that child is practiced in a way it won't confuse them.

  2. Neither of my kids grandparents babysit. So it’s none of their business period what I choose to do with my kids. I don’t feel the need to explain every detail to them. They already raise their kids now it’s my responsibility to raise my kids the way I feel is the best.

  3. I'm having this problem😩my grandparents are so intrusive they don't let me go out…like they are my parents…. i'm 18 YEARS OLD NOW and i sweeear to god i have never ever went to a friend's birthday becauuuse they don't let me…even nooow at this age!! my mom is in another country…and my grandparents and my mom don't get along….my g.parents never talk to me like there is no complicity or TRUST!

  4. You are getting the safest, most empathetic, (not to mention free) child caregiver you can get in a grandparent, you may have to deal with some schedule disruption a couple times a week.

  5. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has had to move in with grandma for a little while. My daughter and I lived with her for a year and then moved into an apartment above her for another. Then she moved with us to a new house and finally I kicked her out about six months later and she now loves across the street for 1.5 years. I really had to put my foot down and change my door locks and remind her multiple times not to come into my house. She took it personally and plays the "nobody needs me" thing all the time. Well sorry grandma, all we do is argue, you undermine my parenting and you've walked into my house as quiet as possible just to disturb me while having sex!!!!! Boundaries are a must !!!!!!

  6. My husband and I have set boundaries upon boundaries. They're supposed to be our support network but it feels more like a constant worry. I told my in laws no sugar or salt, they ignored me and he became unwell. They want him only when it suits them and not when we need the support. Pretending like my baby is theirs, no pictures of me in the house just of my son and their son, themselves etc. Wedding photos uploaded to Facebook but only ones that didn't contain me, the bride. Bitching about me to my husband behind my back or over the phone to my husband. Midwife told us to have six weeks alone to establish breastfeeding and they said bullshit, despite them never breastfeeding their baby… Getting to a point now tbh 😂

  7. Here is what happened to me. My parents who hated me from birth and my childless stepsister plotted and schemed to break the bond and close relationship I had with my daughter, they started doing this when my daughter was about 15 years old now my daughter is almost 30 and I have lost all contact with her. My stepsister and my daughter share and do all the things a loving mother dose with her daughter and I have to go through my parents to ask if my daughter is alright. All communication has ceased between my only daughter and me and it’s as if she has died. My family treat me horribly and now my mother said I am out of her will. 😢I did nothing wrong. The jealousy that my mother and stepsister have for me is evil. Many times I have thought about taking my life because of this .

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