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How to exercise when you have a chronic illness or disability

Editor’s note: Before beginning any new exercise program, consult your doctor. Stop immediately if you experience pain.


Many people struggle to maintain a regular training regimen. Add in a disability, chronic condition, or injury, and it can be even more challenging to fit exercise into a weekly routine. However, it is important to do so.

Adults with disabilities are three times more likely to develop serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer, than those without disabilities, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While The impact of these health conditions can be reduced or possibly even avoided with regular aerobic exercise—nearly half of adults ages 18 to 64 with a disability do none, the CDC says.

“Regular exercise can provide many benefits for people with disabilities, including better overall health, increased strength and stamina, improved mobility and improved mental health,” said Lalitha McSorley, owner and lead physical therapist at Brentwood Physical Therapy Clinic in Calgary, Alberta.

Regular exercise can also help control symptoms associated with some disabilities. For example, exercise can reduce the pain and stiffness that often accompany arthritis, and it can improve cognitive function in people with cognitive problems, she said. Additionally, a consistent exercise routine can boost self-esteem and provide valuable socialization and community involvement.

In 2020, the World Health Organization published the first global public health guidelines regarding physical activity for people with disabilities and chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. These guidelines are the same as the US Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans for all adults: each week you should do at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity vigorous or an equal combination. from both. In addition, you should do muscle-strengthening activities two or more days a week.

The types of exercise that are appropriate and helpful will depend on your specific health situation. In general, some good options are swimming, walking, water aerobics, bicycling and sitting exercises, said Bishnu Pada Das, a certified personal trainer based in Kolkata, India. Examples of seated exercises include using a hand cycle and performing exercises in a chair with or without weights.

Chair exercises can be as simple as power shots where you alternately punch your arms out in front of you, Das said, or alternate kicks, which involve holding your chair for support, then alternating leg kicks. Even torso rotations are beneficial, twisting from side to side and using your arms to help with the rotations.

Water activities, such as running in the pool, are recommended by physical therapist Dr. Heather Swain of Ally Total Physical Therapy in Toledo, Ohio.

Dr. Heather Swain, a physical therapist at Ally Total Physical Therapy in Toledo, Ohio, prefers activities like water aerobics and running in the pool. “Reduced gravity with aquatic exercise helps people to be more mobile,” said Ella Swain. “It can be empowering to see your body move and achieve movements that you couldn’t do out of the water.” The hydrostatic pressure of the water also helps improve blood flow and reduces inflammation.

If you don’t have easy access to a pool, Swain finds yoga to be a great and often underrated option. Yoga it can help maintain flexibility and balance, no matter your skill level, thereby reducing the risk of injury, he said. Additionally, the breath work involved benefits pelvic health, back pain, cognitive function, and mental health.

Those with joint problems may benefit more from isometric exercises in which you squeeze a certain muscle or group of muscles. Think exercises like planks, squats, and wall squats. Isometric exercises help maintain muscle strength while preventing further muscle deterioration.

If you have lower body issues or have trouble walking, chair aerobics is a good option. Using quick, repetitive movements, such as bicep curls or marching in place, chair aerobics can loosen stiff joints while raising your heart rate. Adding weights or resistance bands also incorporates strength training. running yoga chairor even stretching throughout the day, aids flexibility and can help reduce soreness and muscle pressure that can arise when sitting for long periods of time.

Incorporate muscle-strengthening exercises into your routine two or more days a week.

Regardless of the form of exercise you decide on, several factors can help ensure your success. Schedule your workouts for the time of day when you tend to feel your best, said certified personal trainer Kelly Borowiec, founder of Keebs Fitness in Saratoga, California. It also helps to make sure that you are as comfortable as possible while exercising.

“If you have arthritis issues, increase the room temperature where you will be exercising,” said Borowiec, who has extensive experience working with clients who have long-term disabilities or injuries. “Set goals too, as having a physical disability doesn’t mean you can’t make progress. And focus on what you can do, rather than what you can’t do.”

Swan agreed. “It can be easy to focus on your limitations,” she said. “Exercising can remind you of what your body can do and can give you a sense of empowerment and accomplishment that is valuable for your self-efficacy.”

Melanie Radzicki McManus is a freelance writer who specializes in hiking, travel, and fitness.


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