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How to Find a Mentor (and Avoid a Coaching Scam)

Opinions expressed by entrepreneurial contributors are their own.

The importance of learning from those who have come before you and succeeded, especially as an entrepreneur, is invaluable. Navigating the choppy waters of entrepreneurship a Coach It’s like trying to assemble a complex puzzle in the dark; You may stumble over a few fitting pieces, but a guiding light will make the whole process easier and more enjoyable.

Hence the search for the right mentor Or a coach is more important when you work for yourself.

Unfortunately, today, anyone can call themselves an expert in anything. My 12-year-old may label himself a football coach, but do you want him running out of the locker room with your favorite team?

So how do you know who to trust and who is right for you?

Related: 7 Reasons Why Every Serious Entrepreneur Needs a Business Coach

Mentor Vs. Coach

While the terms ‘mentor’ and ‘coach’ are often used interchangeably, they can be very different in how they each help you develop, overcome challenges and ultimately become a better leader.

I think of a mentor as someone you want to understand on a deeper level. How do they approach business and life to find growth? How do they think through competitive business threats? How do they act when circumstances are positive or negative? Mentors are what you call, “What would he/she do?”

A coach is usually more task-oriented – like a trainer to help you reach a specific goal. Think of a hitting or pitching coach in baseball versus a team manager. In theater, actors will use a voice coach to help them learn a certain dialect. Recently, a friend of mine engaged a dietitian to create a meal plan to regulate blood sugar and maintain energy levels throughout the day.

Red flags to watch for

You would never buy a car or a house without doing your research, right? Well, finding a mentor isn’t something you should do on a whim and without asking some key questions.

First, does the person you want to hire have a lifestyle you want to emulate? If the guy teaching you how to get generational wealth is beating Chevy and living with his mom, it might be best to find another option.

Second, examine them context. Most employers won’t hire someone without doing a background search and talking to someone who can vouch for their experience and character.

The coaching field has expanded massively while not always providing much value. Find out what returns (if any) they’ve brought to past clients to help you determine if they’re worth the physical and emotional cash. A simple “Would you hire them again?” The answer to this question may tell you all you need to know.

Related: 4 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Have a Business Coach

Think outside the box for inspiration

Education does not have to take place in a classroom or even formally. Some of my best ideas come from hanging out with people who I consider role models in all aspects of life, including business. Hearing their stories of struggle inspires me to continue on my own path.

While entrepreneurs often move into emerging fields and careers, that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from the past or the future. Mentors and coaches don’t always have to be personal or live.

Dale Carnegie Revolutionized leadership thinking and taught people how to overcome social anxiety. Sports psychologist Dr. Bob Rotella works with top athletes facing mental obstacles to overcome slumps and achieve success. Reading their autobiography or how-to book can be a valuable shot in the arm.

A new option I’ve been using lately is ChatGPT. I would prompt, “In the first person, with XX as the guide, answer the following question” I have asked this question with many of my role models in the past, including Andrew Carnegie, Viktor Frankl, and Mr. Rogers. I get great feedback on business, mental health and parenting from history’s greatest minds. Absolutely amazing!

One final point worth mentioning: don’t be afraid to pay. I get incredible joy from seeing people succeed, and I love being a part of that journey. While I’ve mentored many entrepreneurs on my own time, I’ve found that when I’ve bought in from a mentee, the results are better — both for them and for me. Skin-the-game matters.

How to find a (good) mentor

So you’ve decided you’re ready for a mentor. But how do you find the right one?

A great place to start is yourself personal network. Ask people you trust for recommendations and warm introductions. This approach can greatly reduce the clutter of finding someone you trust by eliminating the initial credibility screening process.

Industry events such as conferences, networking lunches, and professional associations are also practical ways to get in front of potential mentors. These one-on-one settings often give you a first look at whether your communication styles and personalities match.

Also, don’t discount Social media And an online platform to connect with the right mentor. Linkedin is extremely valuable for validating one’s experience, professional credentials and published content. It can also expand the pool of whom you choose beyond geography or business-specific connections.

Finally, don’t forget about local educational institutions and your alma mater. It can be easier to connect with a thought leader if you have common connections like at a university. The relationship can also be symbiotic for recruiting future employees in a specific field or space for your business.

Related: Five Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Needs a Great Mentor

Timing is everything

While choosing the right mentor or coach is important, timing is also key.

Do you have the bandwidth in your life to accommodate this growth? What do you have to give up in order to focus on the necessary changes? Can you afford to wait?

Hiring a coach won’t solve your problems immediately, and spending money on a coach without a full commitment to change and follow through will leave you frustrated (and possibly broke). No one will work for you. They cannot make changes for you. It is both your challenge and your greatest asset. Not everyone is willing to do what it takes to shake up the status quo.

It is said that the five people you spend the most time with are the people who most directly shape the person you become.

Make sure you choose the people you let into your inner circle carefully.

Your future self counts on it.


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