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How to not get caught using ChatGPT! #chatgpt


20 thoughts on “How to not get caught using ChatGPT! #chatgpt”

  1. there seems to be 2 sides to everyone who comment here : 1 "booo lazy stupid people stop cheating its so bad to use this you arent learning anything!!" and 2 "way to go bro! this is the future chat gpt for the win!"
    but there should be only 1 side. Ive been trought the whole highschool , some subjects were totally not meant for me and i wasnt meant for them, putting an excedingly huge amount of work to barely get a passing grade, and in the end still ending up with 0 knowledge learned, while others getting straight As. And for other subjects i got straight As because i really enjoyed these and learned a lot from them ,they were kind of my type , as one could say, while other students got lowest grades and barely passing these subjects.
    So you should use chat gpt for those subjects that youre not good at , and for the subjects you enjoy, never use chat gpt to complete the homework , however you can use chat gpt to expand your knowledge to become even better , which helps you a lot with college further on!
    Definitely use chat gpt for stuff youre not good at, because homeworks seem to be endless and youre wasting your childhood away if youre spending huge amounts of time on something youre horrible at. Instead use that time to expand your knowledge on the subjects youre good at!!!!

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