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How to Organize Your ChatGPT Chats #Shorts

We’re starting to rollout Projects – an easy way to organize chats that share topics or context. Projects combines chats, files, and …


24 thoughts on “How to Organize Your ChatGPT Chats #Shorts”

  1. NO NO NO… Id imagine we all want memory not files to organize chats LOL this is dumb tbh you have memory why are you not allowing each GPT to retain its memory and conversations? This is an apple move, it's petty and stupid and really not revolutionary, and is a far stretch of what we really wanted. If I create a GPT id like it to remember all we ever talked about so each session is not a start from scratch issue. It's annoying and it's unnecessary at this point. Whats with these files? It's pathetic tbh like the whole point of Ai is to interact with it like a human more and more, where do files come into that???? backwards maybe… we would rather get rid of that side bar and allow our GPTs to have full memory vs this garbage.

  2. Can you all add a more granular search, the ability to search at the project and conversation level? I sometimes have long conversations that I need to go back to previous messages and have to scroll and look for keywords.

  3. this update is appreciated, however, it seems that the project folders can not be arranged alphanumerically without planning out the entire folder structure in advance and then chronologically naming them in the sequence required – is that intentional? I literally upgraded to the paid version just so I could truly organize my dozens and dozens of chats into meaningful project folders. 🙁

  4. Hello, the "Add to a project" feature seems to be not available if i start chat with a CustomGPT. Is the dev team aware? Or it's just a temporary missing feature? Thanks for your work anyway and happy new year!

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